Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
Do Da Dmg (DDD ) or you can call it DTD (do the dmg)
Can be hosted in whichever rather large map, however i think battle arena will be best for this. Players will be frozen and put up on 1 side of the map, and optionally 1 staff would join their team aswell. One by one they will be unfrozen and taken to the host which would have an admin sword on, (the host could be frozen using admin ice masdive, by a staff which would be on the other team, however thats optional if the host *promises* not to move, he would only be allowed to slash the person he unfroze. The unfrozen person will do his best to put in the most amount of damage before getting slashed (this can be followed by the dmg row in tab). Player with the most dmg every round would win an event point.
So you're saying... I get my calculator out... and then keep tabs on how much damage every individual person does in an allotted period of time while other people wait frozen? hoooooooooo I don't think so Bunny I am sorry