Originally Posted by Clarify View Post
New In-Game Event Suggestions:
Duck Duck Goose:
This event is similar to the real life duck duck goose game some of us have
played as children. The players will create a circle. The host will walk around the circumference of
said circle and shoot a player (with a training shotgun). That player will then have to chase the host
in attempt to successfully slash him/her. If the player successfully slashes the host, the player returns
to his/hers spot in the circle. If the player fails to slash the host, the player will be pkicked and the process
will continue until there are a certain amount of players left (depending on the start size of the event).
The remaining players will receive 1 event point each.
Rules: No spamming the chat. Equip only training weapons.
Room Tags: [ni]

Hot Potato:
In this event, players will line up and flip the host one by one.
The objective is to continue flipping the host (in the air) until the host has landed on the ground.
While you are flipping the host, the host will keep track of how many times you have flipped.
At the end of the event, the player with the most flips in the air will receive 3 event points,
in the event of a tie, the players will go another round until there is a declared winner.
This should be played in a map with a lane such as catacomb. In addition, before each player takes his/hers
turn, the host will freeze everyone in order to avoid trolls.
Rules: Do not disrupt other players. No spamming the chat.
Room Tags: [ni][ng][esp]

Lucky Dice - taken from Hulk
This event is all about luck, it's picking lucky [RTD] numbers.
The host will be picking participants in order and will ask them
what number would they like, it can either be higher/lower
than 5. Let's say the host asked me which number
would I like or higher/lower than 5, and I picked higher than 5,
the host will re-spawn me so it shows me which number I got from the dice,
let's say I got a number 9 that means it's higher than 5 so I continue to the next round,
but If I got like lower than 5 let's say dice rolled me number 3
and I picked higher than 5 I get kicked/slapped.
This will keep going on until there are 3 participates left, first to get it wrong
gets 1 event point, second place is 2 event points, and first place is 3 event points.
Rules: No spamming the chat.
Room tags: [ni] [ng] [ns] [rtd]

New Forum Events:
In this event, the host will post descriptions of certain candy brands.
The goal is to successfully decipher which candy is being described.
For each correctly answered candy, you will receive an event point.
Rules: Typical forum rules that can be found from other forum events

Get There (Reality Edition) - Idea originally from Bunny
In this event, the host will post a list of places that you can go to in real life.
For instance, the park, movie theater, library, restaurant, etc. The first user to
take of picture of their forum name in that location will be granted 1 event point.
Rules: Typical forum rules that can be found from other forum events

Guess the Food:
In this event the host should zoom into an edible product, or even blur out an image.
The first person to successfully answer what food is being shown will be rewarded one event point.
Rules: Typical forum rules that can be found from other forum events

In this event the host should post a certain amount of sodoku boards at varying times,
players must successfully complete the board and be the fastest in order to win an event point.
Rules: Typical forum rules that can be found from other forum events.
So here are my thoughts:

Duck Duck Goose - I believe we already have enough similar events where players need to hunt the host down with their melee, we really don't need another one of these. I also don't think it is possible to manage this event with the current player base, some people might stall, some might troll, hell some even might not understand the whole point of the event.

Hot Potato - It just isn't gonna work out very well as it might sound since there are some players who could literally flip you a thousand times non stop without failing, take leo as an example. It is good but I just think it is gonna take a lot of time, even longer than musical chairs.

Lucky Dice - Hmm, so.. A random number generator determines the winner? No please.