Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
Since you guys have been saying that you wanted to add variety to dodgeball using the new rockets (when it hasn't always worked out well), I (with the help of bram) came up with 2 new options for tags you can add to dodgeball to make it more interesting and fun to the players, something new that they've never had to deal with before in dodgeball events. This does not mean you stop using the new rockets, but I believe they would be better suited for this modification than they would a standard dodgeball event, especially fire and poison.

  • Option one: Add the following tags: [G5][J22]. This means players jump about the same distance upwards, but jumping overall takes considerably more time to complete, giving a sense of floatation and a requirement to 'lead' the rockets before passing above them, because if they jump and immediately pass over rockets, they would explode having not jumped high enough. This is considered the harder of the 2 options, because its not easy to lead.

Tried this out, not well received..