Cold War
Description: This event will be held in "Stairway" map, the objective of the participants is to massive their teammates to oblivion.
To do that it's better to equip the "cold" element (but not a necessity), if you get massived with the cold element, then you'll be able to save yourself by hanging.
BUT, it won't be so easy as there'll be different speed & gravity set > S250 & G90.
The elimination process is as follows > every participants who reaches ten deaths is kicked, until there are three participants left which'll be declared the winners

Rules: All the pvp event rules > no spiking, no lagging, no teaming and so on.
Prize:+3 +2 +1 style. > In case of a tie, the better k/d is taken into consideration.
Game Mods:S250, G90, No F, GOD, ESP, EX.

I've already tested this with Zabu and a few players, those who played gave a positive feedback.

Zabu, feel free to add something to the description in case you see something missing.