2.{i got no name for this}
For this event the host will be placing landmines across the map and the last person alive wins the event
the roomtag must have [s300 or something the tag which makes players move fast like sonic] and (+no gravity by no gravity i mean the one players can not jump.) Sry i do not really know the room tags/mods anymore
They are 2 ways to play this event:
1. is with vamp and players got like sword/dagger/weapon equipped. Since The host is also moving fast like sonic, It will be really hard for players to aim/hit the host and if they do , they will regain hp because of the tag (vamp). this makes the chances of surviving higher and fun

2 way is the same roomtag but with (ns).
i recommend playing this event in a small map like dojo, sewer, elementary ,jail. but if the host got time and patience he can host it in maps like castle,town,etc

I liked the idea of the second event, a mining event spread all over the map sounds very fun to play.
But it has its cons, for us the TET will not be easy to hunt this event, because we do not have the admin mines.
I think it should be hosted on large maps like Town because in sewer or dojo players will die quickly and will not be able to see the staff while planting the mines, since you say there will be "S300" and high gravity.

I think I would give it a name like Don't eat the Mines / Flee from the mines.