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  1. #531
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Lolrace (Adjusted)
    Seeing as this event was fun to a large number of people yet for reasons related to the ability of players to finish the event and being gender based was removed, I suggest it once again with adjustments to make it better suited for the community to complete reasonably easily and focus on the fun aspect more.
    Description: The event takes place in Race, Supermario3, or any other Skillmap. The goal of the event is to get to the finish line, where the host will be waiting. Gravity is set at 30% of normal to compensate for the fact that players cannot use swords or items, but only shotguns (to prevent vial usage, but allowing females to glide).
    Rules: No spiking / lagging / force-lagging. No shortcuts.
    Prize: The first player to reach the finish line wins one event point.
    Game Mods: G30, ESP, SGO, NS, NI

    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    Latchcomb (Reference)
    Description: The event has 3 possible hosting methods.
    1. The event takes place in Arena. The goal of the event is to get a kill, thus ending the round (Relaymap, Objective kills 1, 5 rounds). The host will use a /bomb [time] command to start a bomb, and pass it to any nearby player. The host may then either go into a wall, go into hide mode or play the event themselves.
    After someone with the bomb explodes, the last person to hit them gets the kill, and wins the round. The duration of the bomb before explosion depends on the amount of players, according to the simple formula: bomb time=max(60/#ofplayers, 5)
    Rules: No spiking / lagging / force-lagging. No speedy daggers. Teaming is allowed.
    Prize: The player who gets the kill receives 1 event point.
    Game Mods: J200, GOD

    2. The event takes place in Arena. The goal of the event is to not be the one to die from a bomb. The host will use a /bomb [time] command to start a bomb, and pass it to any nearby player. The host may then either go into a wall, go into hide mode or play the event themselves.
    After someone with the bomb explodes, the last person to hit them gets the kill, ending the round. The person who died to the bomb, gets kicked. The duration of the bomb before explosion depends on the amount of players, according to the simple formula: bomb time=max(60/#ofplayers, 5)
    Rules: No spiking / lagging / force-lagging. No speedy daggers. No teaming.
    Prize: The last 3 players to remain in the room win, where in the round with only 3 players remaining, the host will start a bomb, and the player to get a kill from the bomb explosion wins +3, the player to die to the bomb gets +1 and the third player gets +2.
    Game Mods: J200, GOD

    3. The event takes place in Attack-Defense, in red base's room. The host will freeze all of the players outside of the room, summon 4 players at random in and start a bomb game of 10 seconds. After someone eventually dies to the bomb, they get kicked and the 3 other players are re-frozen. The process repeats until 4 players remain. Players who leave the area without being told to do so are slapped and kicked.
    Rules: No spiking / lagging / force-lagging. No speedy daggers. No teaming.
    Prize: The last 4 players to remain will be summoned into the room, and the player to get a kill wins +2. All 4 players remain in the room, and the round repeats twice, for a total of 3 times. Thus, 6 points in total will be rewarded for the event. Players may win all 6 points, if they win all 3 rounds.
    Game Mods: J200, GOD

    Some notes:
    • Players are allowed to use any items, guns and melee (except speedy) they wish and flip/lunge/massive other players. However, only slashes transfer the bomb.
    • The eventual hosting method can be determined by the event team or split into several different events if more than one of the ideas is accepted.
    • Bomb duration in the first 2 hosting methods ranges from 5 seconds (minimum) to 12 seconds (do not host this event with less than 5 players).
    • The gamemode in the 2nd hosting method will be a relaymap with number of repeated Arenas to equal the number of players in the event, such that the round ends after each kill with Objective kills set to 1.
    • In hosting method 3, players may play more rounds than others due to the randomization in selection. This is fine, and numbers can be generated live in the event according to the list of players in tab.
    • The host may also participate in the event if they wish.

    Also bumping this

  2. #532
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

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    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    Lolrace (Adjusted)
    Seeing as this event was fun to a large number of people yet for reasons related to the ability of players to finish the event and being gender based was removed, I suggest it once again with adjustments to make it better suited for the community to complete reasonably easily and focus on the fun aspect more.
    Description: The event takes place in Race, Supermario3, or any other Skillmap. The goal of the event is to get to the finish line, where the host will be waiting. Gravity is set at 30% of normal to compensate for the fact that players cannot use swords or items, but only shotguns (to prevent vial usage, but allowing females to glide).
    Rules: No spiking / lagging / force-lagging. No shortcuts.
    Prize: The first player to reach the finish line wins one event point.
    Game Mods: G30, ESP, SGO, NS, NI

    Also bumping this
    Can try this on a future set (Adjusted Lolrace). As for Latchcomb seems too much similar to Bomb Melee and the 1st derivative was the first variation of Bomb Melee that was adjusted. As for the 2nd variation all players could avoid the player with the bomb and could feel like the host is targeting someone (host could summon everyone and pass it but whoever gets it at the start will most likely die with it in my POV). As for 3rd variation unless we have to winning 6 points for 4 players at a time is too much.

    All in all, am willing to give Adjusted Lolrace a go as for Latchccomb no.

    Anyway, I want to also give a Event Suggestion

    Suggested by justRelax

    Last edited by justRelax; 11-08-2022 at 09:04 PM. Reason: Adds Optional NS Tag to Exterminator


  3. #533
    Rey's Avatar Overthinker.

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    Originally Posted by justRelax View Post

    Suggested by justRelax

    I really like your event idea, but flamethrower has a small range, hence its gonna be really hard to kill anyone. Maybe adding NS would help.

  4. #534
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

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    Originally Posted by Beast View Post
    I really like your event idea, but flamethrower has a small range, hence its gonna be really hard to kill anyone. Maybe adding NS would help.
    Sound reasonable, adding it as an optional tag until we know more about this. (EDIT the main post)


  5. #535
    JP's Avatar L e a d e r

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    Catch the (sticky) grenade:

    Host throws sticky grenades up in the air and players try to catch them.
    Successful catches can be seen by sticky grenades sticking to the body.

  6. The following user said thank you to JP for this useful post:

    Bunny (12-04-2022)

  7. #536
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

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    Originally Posted by McSic View Post
    Catch the (sticky) grenade:

    Host throws sticky grenades up in the air and players try to catch them.
    Successful catches can be seen by sticky grenades sticking to the body.
    Interesting Idea, I generated a preview which we can use as the Test Event if you want to request any changes let me know (or edit it )

    Sticky Fingers
    Suggested by McSic


  8. #537
    Rey's Avatar Overthinker.

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    Originally Posted by justRelax View Post

    Sticky Fingers
    Suggested by McSic

    This event kinda seems easy to me since people will be using swords to climb and be the first to take the bomb. Adding NS tag with some short of gravity or speed would make it fun. Plus this event should be hosted in some small maps like Arena, Garden Small, Hall. Host can also use teleport/spawn to make it more challenging.

    Voting Yes for this event idea.

    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    Lolrace (Adjusted)
    Seeing as this event was fun to a large number of people yet for reasons related to the ability of players to finish the event and being gender based was removed, I suggest it once again with adjustments to make it better suited for the community to complete reasonably easily and focus on the fun aspect more.
    Description: The event takes place in Race, Supermario3, or any other Skillmap. The goal of the event is to get to the finish line, where the host will be waiting. Gravity is set at 30% of normal to compensate for the fact that players cannot use swords or items, but only shotguns (to prevent vial usage, but allowing females to glide).
    Rules: No spiking / lagging / force-lagging. No shortcuts.
    Prize: The first player to reach the finish line wins one event point.
    Game Mods: G30, ESP, SGO, NS, NI
    Also bumping this
    LOLRace was actually a fun event, no idea why it was removed. I like your adjusted version of this event. I'll try to host it in upcoming set.

    Voting Yes for this event idea.
    Last edited by Rey; 12-19-2022 at 08:47 AM.

  9. #538
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

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    Originally Posted by TomasEdison View Post
    Regarding the event Warzone: I'd like to suggest for the hosts to form a large circle of landmines using the automatic command, instead of the current method which is to form a large square. Emerald hosted this event earlier today, using the automatic command which forms a large circle of landmines and this way it was really enjoyable, considering he also dispersed all of us in the center as should be done.

    In short; I suggest replacing the current method of placing landmines to form a large square with using the following command: /aa poly a a 36.
    Reviewing this suggestion again, square with radius of 36 is too large for the map if anything max can be around 30, we can try this out next time we host this event.


  10. #539
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Replying to my original suggestion for the Sumo Brawlers event. The original suggestion:
    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    (special thanks to bram and all the players who helped test and participate and improve the playability of the event)

    Sumo Brawls/Circle of Death
    Tags: [ESP][G15][S250][GLAD][VAMP] (dont put godmode!)
    Description: This event is hosted in Skillmap 2. Players must equip training swords. At the start of the round, the host will freeze everybody in the center of the map and checks that everyone has a training sword and slaps those who dont. Afterwards, he will create a circle that is a bit smaller than the starting platform, that looks like this: he will then climb to where i'm standing in the image, above the map, and unfreeze all of the players. Since ff is on, the players will begin slashing eachother like in deathmatch, with the goal of pushing every other player outside the area of the mines, and when the host sees that a player has left the circle, he will shoot said player. If the player touches a mine, he will die instantly due to vamp. Due to [S250] combined with [G15], every slash has a big knockup and a massive mid air can easily take you outside the circle, it makes it alot easier to push teammates outside of the circle. The last person in the circle wins, 5 rounds total. The host can increase the difficulty over time by decreasing the size of the circle by placing more mines in the inner circumference, and even force players to be mid air most of the time (and thus end the round very quickly) by placing mines randomly inside the circle.
    Rules: No teaming, No wearing anything other than a TRAINING sword, No forcelagging/spiking.
    Notes: The host should prevent players from elevating when he summons them all in 1 place, and then nudge everyone he slashes back to the center (due to the large knockback). He should also be rather alert to players leaving the circle, and shoot them with an admin shotgun instantly when they do. he should also check to see if anyone doesnt have a training sword at the start of every new round, and re-state that players must have one before ending each round (for new players who joined).
    As you can see, the original idea and the idea that was in the testing thread did not contain the tag J0. This tag changes the way the event is played completely, reducing the skill required significantly and makes it rather stale and take a long time to finish.

    On top of removal of the tag, some methods of hosting it could be improved to take less time; players should not be in the same spot using the /summon all command. In the original testing phase, they were simply slashed to the center because the disadvantage/advantage of being anywhere but the center is negligible and it speeds up hosting because they dont continually elevate. Furthermore, if the J0 tag is removed, players will be flying out much more frequently, so the circle can benefit from being slightly larger overall. In order to see more easily who left the circle and to repair it once mines have been taken, the host can stand in the center of the map right above it, shooting whoever leaves it from their point of view. If a mine is taken, the host can simply re-use the command to generate a circle of the same radius that will replace the existing mines as it touches down, making them despawn and repairing any holes.
    Last edited by Bunny; 02-12-2023 at 09:35 PM.

  11. #540
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Mar 2014
    This is more of a suggestion to current, existing events that can have a different method of hosting, and potentially 2 new events, from my testing with Frooples;

    In the Lava event, with the 'new'-ish commands that can place down mines in any N-edged shape where 0<N<121 and a selected amount of mines, the host can instead get on top of the map and spam mines in these shapes. After some testing with Frooples, this can work really well in the same Arena map the Lava event is already being hosted in. The idea is to save 3-4 shapes as spawning commands in the "Macro" settings of the event moderator, and spamming them randomly. By changing the look direction while throwing, the mines fall further or closer. From our experience, using lines (N=1) and triangles/pentagons (N=3,N=5) with 20 mines in each cast works best to not make existing mines disappear (max 120).

    The idea behind this is to make it faster for rounds to end, and remove the need from the staff member to "lowkey" target players if he wants the round to end. In this case, 5 rounds of the event could work, giving players well beyond a "second chance" because the Lava event currently already ends pretty fast and is unfun for most because they tend to die after less than 3 minutes. If the round starts taking too long when the host is above the map, he can spawn on his own bot, anchoring it so it stays under him.

    This idea can be expanded upon, up to the point where it may as well be called a new event;
    Life Balance
    Tags: [ESP][G150][GLAD][NS]
    Maps: Arena, Mine, Flat platforms in Superflip, Dodgeball.
    Description: In this event, the host will set the player's HP/AP to 240/0. After going to the center of the floor and getting on top of an anchored bot, they will begin spamming mines in geometrical shapes using the poly command, 20 at a time. Furthermore, the host will occasionally generate the same random shapes with meds, instead (10 or less), allowing to recover some health while avoiding mines on the way. The last person alive wins one event point.
    Rules: No forcelagging/spiking, No using walls/pillars in maps where they exist.

    TNT Mayhem
    Tags: [S200][GLAD][NS][J0][G300]
    Maps: SkillmapV5, Arena, Dodgeball.
    Description: In this event, the host will be spamming the admin TNT item, while accelerated with admin vials. As the TNT sticks to anything it falls onto, players have 5 seconds to get out of the way before it explodes. Very quickly, the ground fills with TNT bombs of various countdowns. The last player alive wins one event point.
    Rules: No forcelagging/spiking.
    Last edited by Bunny; 03-25-2023 at 03:37 PM.

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