What I'd like:
  • My name SwordSaint on it. (No spaces)
  • An Anime character and if possible please use a picture of this good looking fella!

I actually have no idea if anyone will even bother with this or not but if you do then thank you very much! ^_^

Off-topic and information about me for those that are interested.
  1. SwordSaint is obviously a Sworder; I dont consider myself to be a Gladiator. Nor do I want to become one. Too much stress and ego going on there ya know!
  2. I'm a wall-humper. You'll probably see me slash away at some walls in-game!
  3. From certain years of wall-humping I've gotten to the point where I'm able to (sometimes, okay, barely) BI-DBF and DnGx3.
  4. I found a way of practicing TBF by using the [GRAVITY] room tag. I kept reducing my jump length so I could TBF faster and I ended up with DnGx3 in a couple of weeks. So far I think G119 is the limit.
  5. I'm in a clan named OnlyTBF; Ironic am i right?

The reason I decided to make a request for a signature is mainly because I'm fairly new to these forums! I'm also not familiar with how forums work. And I felt like requesting a signature!