Now before we start this debate, I would like to make the point to say that everything has value. We can all pretend that it is "Impossible to put value on human life", but it is done every day around us. Whether it be insurance agencies, politicians, manufacturers, or murders, everyone puts value on human life, so why can we not do the same?

Now let us make the ground rules. Just to make this as impersonal and apathetic as possible, "Human Life" will be defined as an ordinary individual that has no effect on your being, no ties to your person, and lives a relatively "normal" life. Joe Shmow or Jane Crow if you will.

What dollar amount is his/ her life worth to you?
Does the value change depending on age? 20? 40? 70? 90?
What about health, is a sickly person worth more or is usefulness the key?
If immortality were possible, what would be its value?
What is your life worth to you?

Answer any, all, or none of these questions; I simply left them to start some discussion. Let it rack your brain a bit, because in a society woven together so tightly, we all effect each others lives.

Interesting values by recent studies.