Fill in the Blanks!

Welcome Freestylers, to my 'Fill in the Blanks' forum event.

Your objective of the event is to guess the weapon/gear I have in-mind, hints or even alphabets from the item will be given as a clue. You're to guess which gear/food/weapon it is. Meaning, you have to fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
_ _ _ _ i _
_ a _ _ e _
HINT : Melee Weapon

Answer : Tennis Racket (LV.76)

Prize: The first participant to answer correctly accordingly with the format wins an event point.

Rules :
No editing your answers or you'll be disqualified.
No spamming the thread with useless posts, otherwise you will get reported.
You're allowed to post more than once.
No commenting on others' posts.
Post accordingly with the format. If you do not follow the format, you get disqualified as well.

Format :
In-game Name:
Answer: [Your answer]
Guess #1
_ _ r _ _ _ _
_ a _ _ _
HINT: Kits/Food

Good-luck and have fun!