Ign : Cake
Time zoon : +4 GMT
6 pm would be perfect
Ign : Cake
Time zoon : +4 GMT
6 pm would be perfect
I won't win but I'll try.
In-game name: ^2Lspasus
GMT: I guess +3 or +2, Israel time.
I am free from 3:00 PM until 8:00 PM.
Character name you are going to use. Make sure you include colors if you have any: ^9Selfie^5
GMT of participant: +8
Positive you can participate: I'll try
Last edited by Rogelio; 04-04-2014 at 02:24 PM.
* Registration: Write the following information below
Character name you are going to use. Make sure you include colors if you have any: ^7Bis^AQuick
GMT of participant: Israel TIME i have no idea what is GMT
Positive you can participate: Yes
IGN : ^GWikipedia^A
Time zone : GMT+1 european time.
6:08PM <Johnny> you wanna join sunflower?
6:09PM <Johnny> or do you want admin in serene :$?
6:10PM <Steff> Yeah u need to pay supershotty to get him to join ur clan hes that g00d
^9Espada have an error to join the fourm so he wanted me to post hes name to sign up for the Tournment hes Charcter name is ^9Espada
i'm Shmofer not Smofer ,_,
Character name you are going to use. Make sure you include colors if you have any: OLAFMAD
GMT of participant:+2
Positive you can participate:yes
Character name : Sharky21
GMT : +2
Positive i can participate : ofcc
Character name: Honma
GMT: -5
Positive I can participate: Yes.
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