Welcome! Please read the information below before applying.
It's been a while since we hosted a tournament, so here we go! This tournament will hold a team with maximum of two players.
* This room tag is required if you are going to participate:
[V] - Stacks everyone's HP to: 125 and AP to: 100.
* You are not allowed to:
- Any type of lagging or spiking.
- Flaming or insulting in any way.
- Talk to your opponents unless they are spiking, lagging or breaking any of our rules. You may NOT leave if you are spiking or lagging, try to fix it in the spot or disqualified.
- Using items which are not allowed even if you are not using them in-game. A list of allowed items are given below.
- Using any alternative accounts or characters. You are allowed only to play with the one you applied with.
- Letting a friend accessing your account to participate in a tourney. All accounts will be checked, you are not allowed to apply if your account is shared by other people.
- You will not let anyone join/spectate the room unless it is your team-mate and your opponents.
- You are not allowed to use the same set as your team-mate. No parts of cloth should be identical.
* Items you can use:
- Rusty shotgun and Breaker 3
- A dagger or a normal sword (katana): Level 1.
- Medkits of any level(Donor medkits are NOT allowed and vials / pills are NOT allowed as well).
You may not use any type of item if not listed above, doing so will result in a disqualification.
WINNER: first team to win 11 rounds (the result can be 11-10 like in cw match 4-3).
* Registration:
Personal message me with your:
- Character name you are going to use. Make sure you include colours if you have any:
- Partners character name he/she is going to use:
- A screenshot of your partner agreeing to participate:
- GMT of both participants:
- Are you both sure you can participate in this event, in case of personal activities and such:
* Providing the proof needed:
You will have to provide the replay of the match from the exact beginning. By providing the screenshot of the match only won't count as a win.
* Additional information:
Once the brackets and everything is organized, this thread will be updated to inform the participants that the tournament has begun. A randomized chosen map will be chosen for every single match. Every team may encounter a different map than others. You will be given a deadline date where you have to provide the replay of the match and the result. Personal message me with the replay and the score when the match is finished. The score and the replay will be posted here once the match is finished.
You have 6 days (until april,21) to post the results of the first stage
Contact list:
Spots left: [16/16]
First place - 300 coins split up by the two winners (150 coins each).
Second place - 200 coins split up by the two winners (100 coins each).
Third place - 100 coins split up by the two winners (50 coins each).
You may ask questions. Do not post content that has nothing to do with this. Remember you have to register by personal messaging me or George.
Opponent teams won't be picked up by us, but they will be generated with a simple program.
First place: - Asuna and Yusa
Second place: - Sparks and Mime
Third place: - PolarBear and Queen