Hay guys,

After putting his one off for a while, always finding another retard anime to watch and drop after two episodes, I decided to give it a shot.

Pretty amazing, also to note all the OP or ED songs are really really nice (enough for me not to skip them every time, which is extremely rare).

The myanimelist summary's a bit wrong though, it's close enough, but not quite it. The person made a few mistakes here and there so I wouldn't take everything they say TO THE WORD if you're looking at it.

Great view, extremely enjoyable, currently in a mourning period where I'll be looking at the OP and ED again and again and again.

I didn't want to spoil anything, so I'm not going to talk about the anime itself. Just got to say I currently got that feeling, or void of finishing an awesome anime. Now what's going to happen in my life? Oh dear.
