Hello! My name is kintama or william or whatever you wanna call me. I have been playing for i think a year or 2 now, but im just new to the forums. Well, i will just tell you how i got here. I was very bored on a summer day. I missed gunz, i didnt know any other games that really compare to it, but this other one but idc bout that. I searched in google "New gunz" Then the first thing i saw was free style gunz. i thought it wasnt open, oh but it was. i signed up my first char named william7764, but i changed my name to ^9Kintama^E not too long ago. i regret having william7764 as my name because it sounded odd, and people just said your william with those numbers at the end. Anyway, i played as a quester, and got to level 40 or something, with no proper education to play because i haden't played in like 3 years. i was a noob ill tell you that, with a sprayer all the time. spraying anyone in my sight XD. then i got to know the community, and realized there are really nice people out here. some people even donated donors to me, and i thank them. I bought the name on my own though. Anyways aGAIN, Yeah, i started looking up how to play etc, and now im a k styler. I go in training rooms and just do "c:" when people i dont really want to socialize to speak to me. I love all the staff, but my favorites are stephanM, Prone, ANd shino, but he ez. they are really really cool when you really get to know them. Any ways AGAIN, Thats pretty much my story. oh, and im in the pink clan. We too fab4 u