I personally disagree when mods reply with 'Taken care off' in a report. One of the reasons is that you can't keep track of punishment and you don't know what happens to the other person.

For example, I reported the user Mike for flaming with cancer in the chatbox, telling people to get it etc. I reported this on 03-23-2014, and google muted him for 7 days.
Yesterday Mike was in the chatbox, saying the exact same thing, so I reported it again. You would expect a punishment to increase when a user didn't learn from his previous one, am I right? Anyways, Jakanadin replied with 'Taken care of'. A few minutes later I saw Mike talking in the chatbox.

Now it could be that Jakanadin wasn't aware with what he did last time. Even if that was the case, I think all mods should punish the same way or at least within the same guidelines. In order to prevent why people start having questions about it, shouldn't it be better to just say how you dealt with it, because to be honest I don't trust some mods (For example Jakanadin) when he says 'Taken care of", because clearly the problem wasn't taken care of.