As much as I dislike playing against snipers; I wouldn't say they lack in any form of skill as those who really know how to use snipers are actually very skillful which is somewhat painful to admit.

Although I don't understand why snipers should be 2-shotting or 1-shotting on headshots; I understand that it should be correct in terms of its concept but if we actually use concepts on all of the weapons then rifles should be able to 5-6 shot from a range, revolvers should do more damage and single/dual revolver damage should not differ, rocket launchers should kill a person in a single on-point shot, shotguns should 1-shot from PB range, a sword/dagger/melee weapons should be insta-kill. Snipers should be somewhat more adjusted to how GunZ itself works whilst referring to how all of the other weapons work; seems rather silly to decide to keep snipers as they are in terms of its "realism" and then not doing the same with the others.

I mean, revolvers have always been on my mind.

Single revolvers do half the damage of duals and have half the ammunition. Makes sense since dual revolvers involve shooting both revs at once; taking that into account, dual revs should have their ammo halved or use up 2 bullets per shot rather than one. If not then balance dual revs with single revs.

Single revs are actually great weapons but because they're terribly underpowered, no one sees a reason to use them but I've personally found that aiming is much more accurate with single revs however when considering it's efficiency against other weapons; it makes no sense to actually use them.

Single revs have no real purpose in the game at all; not once will you see a player with them. Some focus should be brought onto this imo.