currently watching

Black Clover - binge watched and fell in love (after getting past the screaming asta episodes). was in the mood for some shonen and this filled the void. animation is mehh but i just love the outlaws/rejects family theme that the black bulls have.

Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! - Just a fantastic show really. Slice of life/comedy about 3 girls inspiring to create anime in their school club. really fw this show cause i find it really immersive, the visuals/soundtrack/dialogue work hand in hand. it's weird to explain, it's like your witnessing the show create itself, unfolding in all kinds of wacky scenarios thru the minds of the mc's.

Violet Evergarden - every one whos seen it seems to like it so ive just picked it up, 2 episodes in. It's pretty nice, great animation (typical kyoani). MC? i guess is basically a tool (grew up only knowing war), weapon of war with little understanding of how feelings/emotions work and is working to figure out how to be human p much lol. seems like one of those shows thatll tug ur heart strings and bring out the onion ninjas, enjoying it so far.


tsuki ga kirei - cute lil romance show between junior high students. full of awkward, awww, >.< moments xdd