IGN of reported player: YoFools

Reason: N-stepping in a zombie match to stab hard-to-reach players.

Proof/Evidence: I was in a zombie match and I was shooting doing a long hallway with a rocket (along with another teammate) to prevent zombies from attacking, with more teammates looking the opposite way doing the same thing. The hacker "lagged" and walked behind my teammate and I, "unlagged" and stabbed us. In the replay I provided, the hack occurs when the user is looking down while standing on top of the elevator. The user freezes for several seconds and reappears behind us, already looking at us from behind a table. I could not provide any screenshots because it only happened once, and was over before I could even react.

.GZR File Download URL: https://mega.co.nz/#!04FHVKxR!bUGK-g...Fe1f6q____uoeE