
The first round has been completed! We are moving into the second round!
And the matches are:

1.-_- (Leader: Kalia)Vs Dream team (Leader: straitdab4wz)

2.Team Mooie (Leader: PrinceSonji)VsFATKYUPLAYBO (Leader: Akimbo)


*Both teams must agree on a map (doesn't matter which map), Then after the tournament spots will be filled up, I'll be posting a new format about map picking, the "Team leader" will post the map he wants to play on (You will be asked to use the map picking format every round and you will use it on forum) if both teams will argue / disagree about the map I will use a random system / web to pick the map for them.
So like the previous round, here's the map picking format:
Team name:
Opponent name:
Map you would like to play on:

Please PM (Private message) me the format above.

Click here to PM me.

Additional detail - please don't start your matches until I post your game map, after I get all your PMs I will be deciding what map to what match, so don't start until I say so, for now all I want is recieving PMs with the clan picking format (Team leaders only).