Originally Posted by chumblin View Post
I don't believe anyone who isn't trans or of a different sexuality than hetero should speak on the struggle of being bullied for being of the "standard gender or sexuality". Bullying can't be defined one way, a lot of us go through it in different ways. You can speak on your experience but you can't generalize yours with everyone else.
That's not fair. Silencing a group of people just because they don't know what it's like to be gay ? So even if I have one of the most positive things to say regarding how I feel about gays and how they shouldn't be bullied, my opinion just doesn't matter because I don't know what it's like to be gay ?

Lol... I personally think bullying is never gonna end, but with this kind of attitude it's REALLY never gonna end. How the hell do people expect to get help when they only want help from specific people ? Just because I don't know what it's like to be bullied as a gay person, doesn't mean I don't know what it's like to be bullied at all. Who's to say my experience can't help yours, even though they're two completely different areas ? You never know