Originally Posted by Backward View Post
LOL this guy knows what's up. get wrecked vital.

i'm not top 5 though. top 15 if i'm lucky.
LOL :p . To me, what affects dstyle here more than anti lead is the low shotgun delays. Even when we evade, missing a shot is more forgiving because theres less delays after a reload shot and you can just shoot again right away. We all know reload shot is two fast shots and then a delay before you can shoot again. But now, that delay doesnt exist. So what is hurting the most is moving in closer for dstyle and kstyle. Usually we could shoot twice and if we are getting rushed, sometimes there would not be enough time to shoot again and kstylers would switch to sword and block, remember that lol, and dstylers would switch to dagger and float step away or something. Now, you can just switch to other gun, walk backwards a but and shoot again, because the delay for a third shot is so short that switching to sword to defend from an incoming butterfly takes up more time than just switching to gun and shoot again or is just not worth it. So moving in to dmachine, even if u evade the rs and reach them, having that delay removed after rs, you are STILL not safe from getting pb'd, STILL!. 850 delay just changed the balance between melee and shooting on fgunz and i dont wanna play gunz even more unbalanced. I wish there was a room tag for vanilla gunz gameplay. id play fgunz everyday then, when i get a pc lol.