I think god is just a made up myth that was made along big ass time ago and now everyone wants to believe there is a god and that god is they're savior,
BREH first off if god existed and he was such a good god he wouldn't allow causes like 9/11 or shit like that, which makes it all something natural and our intelligence natural , not that "God" gave us this intelligence jezz, secondly In the bible stats that if we kill we go to hell but animals kill to survive now think if there was no government and no technology we would have to survive and kill , government controll us , did god ever do anything to this world? No , GOD is bs made up by stupid humans and so is religion, i'm pretty sure animals don't pray and we're animals but with intelligence , we have sex , we **** , we have emotions all natural , now if u can prove me wrong go ahead.

god = myth