Please keep the following in mind when you submit a thread or post a suggestion:
- You should only post in a suggestion thread if you want to discuss about something regarding the suggestion or if you disagree (and a legitimate reason should be provided if you disagree)
- If you post a new thread, please check if it has not been posted before or else your thread may be trashed and/or locked
- No bumping allowed
- You must abide by the Terms of Service in this section
- If you want to suggest multiple things, put them in seperate threads
- This section is only for suggestions, not for bug reports or anything else that is not considered as a suggestion.
- Stick to the official format
- Title of your thread MUST contain a phrase/description of your suggestion
- Read this thread before posting
- Do not post if your post is not relevant to the suggestion or does not have any feedback on the suggestion (you have to contribute, else it will be removed/people will be warned for it)
- Do not 'bump' suggestions
- Please use a normal suggestion title like "suggestion (the topic of the suggestion", for example Suggestion Game Mode X, if you use something that has nothing to do with you suggestion the thread will be moved to declined and you shall receive a warning for using an incorrect title name.
By not following any of the above rules, your thread may be deleted or moved to the declined suggestions / your post may be deleted.
Suggestion type:
Suggestion description: