Originally Posted by Mike View Post
Just to be clear, we all know delay is in milliseconds right?
Okay good. So then the difference between 850 -> 900 is .02 of a second.

I don't think the effect would be noticeable but would require a pretty large edit to the zitem (to rebalance all shotguns if this happens to any).
I'm also eliminating the possibility of donors being at a 1 second delay. (hah no)

I think FGunZ is rather balanced in TTK time, because it also has to be considered that donors are technically above level 99 equipment but accessible from any level. Thus they have to be strong but they are not unkillable at all. Seem's fair to me.

You believe that it doesn't make a big difference? Okay, say that to people who play fighting games professionally and are precise at punishing up to a single frame (1/60th of a second).