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  1. #31
    Snuggles's Avatar Junior Member

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    May 2013
    Gunz can't be saved. LMFAO

  2. #32
    Grascen's Avatar Original Elite

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    Originally Posted by StephanM View Post
    Just realised you posted the same thread on RZ, just swapped some words.
    So now I am curious why you post it here as well (and I assume on other server forums as well).
    I imagine he's trying to garner support/interest for if/when he puts out the alpha. It's not really a bad idea, specifically if people wanted to donate to him as a form of more support.

  3. #33
    Colour's Avatar PvE, because why not?!

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    Originally Posted by traumatis3r View Post
    because when you put people as the owners who dont even play the game as people in charge thats what you result

    maiet let ijji host ok it was abit money orientated but after aeria took over it was just completely money orientated, how can you put people in charge who dont even play the game, when you have a game its better to have someone in the team who is active in the game competitively in all aspects e.g. gunz quest & cw once you have someone in the team with that they can tell their developers/coders what is needed and actually understand where the players come from when a player does an suggestion.
    Haha you know how to describe Aeria very well :p

  4. #34
    StephanM's Avatar 🌹

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    Originally Posted by Useless Media View Post
    Gunz isnt one server
    Pretty sure you did not understand what I said.

    Originally Posted by Grascen View Post
    I imagine he's trying to garner support/interest for if/when he puts out the alpha. It's not really a bad idea, specifically if people wanted to donate to him as a form of more support.
    Sure, but I feel like he started a thread / ask for support way to early, but that is just me.

  5. #35

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    posting this thread on fgunz server is a mistake since everyone here is ignorant as hell and barely understand anything for those kids that are saying bullshit i'll explain to you what hes doing he isnt 'SAVING GUNZ' he is just creating a new game based on GunZ thats the project he decided to stick on and he isn't doing it for profit or anything thats braindead kids should stop posting ' waste of time ' or ' gunz is shit ' this guy is creating a game by his own and thats already impressive.

  6. #36
    Cobra's Avatar :>

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    This is my opinion, so don't take anything offensive. The pictures you provided, it doesn't seem like you're "Saving GunZ" but changing it completely.
    For Freestyle GunZ upcoming updates and ideas, support and news/information visit:
    Linear88 Blog (Click!)

    Signature by George.

  7. #37
    Dualage's Avatar 2hu nerdlord

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    >tfw everyone thinks to make a game you have to return profit

    He's doing this because he wants to. Why can't people be more glad for these kind of people instead of being negative ****s about it?

  8. #38
    Dante's Avatar Nephilim Son Of Sparda

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    Seems interesting, but in my point of view, yes you are working for a good reason, but the thing is that it pretty much brings us to play much like GunZ: The Second Duel.

  9. #39
    HellSniper's Avatar Mad Scientist

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    Verstehe nicht wieso du bei privat server foren dein thread von ragezone kopierst.
    Hype machen schön und gut allerdings solltest du was richtiges vorweisen können bevor man hype aufbaut.
    Man denke nur an die flops aus denen keiner zu lernen scheint, wo spiele gehypt werden und ein totaller reinfall sind.
    Solange du das gameplay und das gefühl nicht kopieren kannst wird die gunz community das projekt nicht weiter verfolgen, ähnlich wie gunz 2.
    Ein teil findet es gut und ein großer teil findet es nicht gut.

  10. #40
    New Member
    Originally Posted by HellSniper View Post
    Verstehe nicht wieso du bei privat server foren dein thread von ragezone kopierst.
    Hype machen schön und gut allerdings solltest du was richtiges vorweisen können bevor man hype aufbaut.
    Man denke nur an die flops aus denen keiner zu lernen scheint, wo spiele gehypt werden und ein totaller reinfall sind.
    Solange du das gameplay und das gefühl nicht kopieren kannst wird die gunz community das projekt nicht weiter verfolgen, ähnlich wie gunz 2.
    Ein teil findet es gut und ein großer teil findet es nicht gut.

    Naja zum teil wollte ich nur informieren, zum thema gameplay hab ich, zuminderst glaub ich schon eine gewisse ahnung da ich das spiel seit 8 jahren spiele und auch ingame mit leuten rede was ihnen wichtig ist und ich merke ja selbst was toll ist, gunz 2 finde ich einfach nur scheiße
    Ich habe bestimmt nicht vor soetwas zu machen.
    Zum thema warum ich noch nicht mehr fotos und videos gepostet habe vom game ist ganz simpel, nehmlich weil ich selbst gereade so weit beim entwickeln im game bin wie du bei den fotos siehst, momentan bin ich beim wall run und wall jump.
    Aber manche sachen gehen schneller wie andere, ich hätte nicht damit gerechnet das ich 5 tage bei den wall runs und wall jumps verbringe aber es ist schon sehr viel zu tun in dem gebiet.
    Ich werde eine Offline alpha rausbringen um zu prüfen ob das gameplay das selbe ist, dann werde ich ein server system hinzufügen wo jeder der in der lage ist einen server zu machen, seinen hinzufügen kann.
    Ich kann leider jetzt nur reden weil noch nicht so weit bin, ich hoffe es ist ok

    So the reason why i post this in the Develop section in other Forums is to informate people, i know that not all of yours using the same Platform to talk about GunZ, about the Gameplay, i play this game a long time and i talk much ingame about the Gameplay and i think i feel when the feeling in my game is a other, and i will try to fix it to get the same.
    I dont try to do a second gunz, i only create a game with no name a no reason project.
    I dont wana do GunZ 2 because i dont like it
    Some People are interesting but asking me why i dont upload more pictures ore videos about it, so the reason is simple, i just havnt more to show now, im working right now on the wall run and wall jump and i was wondering why this need so much time, (5 days for 7 moves is long for me) but ther is much more behind the scene as i was imagine.
    First if i done the gameplay i will do a Offline Alpha to test the feeling of the Gameplay and i realy hope for feedback.
    If the gameplay works fine i will create a server system and add it to the game so every who can create a server can host player and add his fun ore what every he want to have in his server, like the server system in counter strike sounds interesting to me.
    But now i realy can just talk about because im working now on the gameplay and not on the other stuff, i hope its ok for you
    Last edited by Useless Media; 05-06-2015 at 08:35 AM.

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