Originally Posted by jokerliwa24_ View Post
i'll be waiting for Dave or McSic to accept this map to be in FGunZ

I really like your work, I do. Although the ground/floor looks really odd to me, not sure why.
Another thing (I personally saw) that I'm pointing out is the random staircase/alley "thing" on your map. (Scene 0:06 - 0:10 in the video). I don't really understand the point of adding this, especially since it doesn't go anywhere. It would have been a bit better if it somehow connected to the main clock centre (from one of the corners).
The last thing I'd like to comment on is more of a question. I'm confused as to where you would be placing the spawns in this map, I understand that one of the spawns could be where you are during (Scene 00 - 06 in the video) but I don't really know where the other spawn would go. If you suggest beside/near the clock tower, it would 100% way too easy for people to simply dash to the wall and two air ventilation filers (2 grey circle thingies) and snipe or potshot.

All in all, I wish the map would be bigger with a tiny bit more work added on. You also claimed that this took you "almost" a week, that's not a lot of time spent on something you would want on a pserver '-' Keep up with the map making.

Anyways. I just have a few concerns/comments about what I quoted you on...

I've known you from other servers (been a staff member with you on a few) and I do know that you tend to be on several servers. It's quite rare for us to see someone post their work like this and just assume Dave/McSic will add it. I also understand that you have told me that you were planning on making your own server (it even gives it away on your Skype motto..) If you do so, then I highly doubt we'd be adding this map to FGunZ, simply because players who play on your server and ours, will say things such as "you stole it from FG" or "FG stole this map from you", either way, the server would get a bad reputation in the fact that this map belongs to you and we have it, or vice versa. I also understand that

Please keep in mind that this is not at all an "attack" or a "hate-post", I'm simply just stating what I see as a player who would use this map.