Originally Posted by Fourth View Post
Btw bae, I forgot to tell you. Don't mind the shutter speed for now as you'll find it pretty useless if you're not really gonna be taking snaps of fast moving objects. EVEN IF you'll take fast moving objects, 4 frames per second should do. What you want to do is narrow down what kind of photography you're going to get into. Whatever brand you go for, go get a dslr camera that has interchangable lenses so in-case you want to try a different approach in taking photographs, you can change into a macro lens, wide lens, zoom lens etc. Also, this allows you to have the option to sell your camera or trade it to something better a lot easier.

Remember this is an entry level dslr you're looking for and as you progress, you'll want to try something bigger, something more complex than just snapping pics right out of the blue. This is why I'd go for Sony's alpha series any time of the day, as they're compatible with 95% of all carl zeiss lenses.
Is there any particular model you'd recommend for the alpha series? Around the £200 price range ($300).
The only thing is, if I get a sony camera, I'm unable to use any nikon/canon lenses so I'm stuck with sony lenses until I change the body. If I buy more lenses, then I'm going to have to stick with a sony camera.