Suggestion type:

Suggestion title:

Weight System

Suggestion description:

The current weight system is pretty retarded, to say the least.

Yea okay, it limits what we can use, cool cool. But it's not considered "weight" at all, it's just a limiter.

Here's my idea.

1 weight = -0.33% speed

^- This value is only an example.

This whole system adds in new tactics for team based rooms.

An example would be: in Attack & Defend, a team could use 1-2 heavy geared people to take the damage in the frontlines while keeping the enemy away while the less armored ones could stand in the back, dealing damage.

Another example: In Capture the Flag; A team would have 2-3 Heavies, guarding the flag area while having a 'runner' sort of person, going for the flag.. perhaps with a medium geared to battle the enemies they meet along their path.