Capture: take into one's possession or control by force

Unintended: not planned or meant

Uncapture: Take one's possession that was not planned or meant at all.

Ice cream: a soft frozen food made with sweetened and flavored milk fat.

Sundae: a dish of ice cream with added ingredients such as fruit, nuts, syrup, and whipped cream.

Icedae: a dish of soft frozen food or icecream with sweetened and flavored milk fat with added ingredients such as whipped cream.

Google: search for information about (someone or something) on the Internet using the search engine Google

Yahoo: a rude, noisy, or violent person.

Goyah: search for information about a rude, noisy, or a violent person on the Internet using the search engine Google.

Rage: violent, uncontrollable anger.

Noob: a person who is inexperienced in a particular sphere or activity, especially computing or the use of the Internet.

Rano: a person who is inexperienced in a particular activity and is very violent when using the Internet.

That's all. tanks for reading