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  1. #1
    IGN's - Invade / Nysage / Spiderman / Lingo / Raiku / whitex6panda / Moreira / Genoa / King

    Reason - Hitbox Hack / HP/AP of Opponent Vision / Esp

    Evidence -

    1. They've all been banned previously for hacking.
    2. They're all well-known hackers.
    3. They've ddos'd players on countless occasions.
    4. The majority are from a clan called Enhance, one of the biggest trashcan hacking clans known to this server. (Notice I said server because they're unknown trashcans on any other GunZ related platform.)
    5. Spamming trash shots, but hitting like trucks.


    Screenshots of the Ping

    More Evidence

    Very good aim, very strong and concentrated shots.

    Take all of the time you need... I'll be uploading friend's replays and screenshots of pings, if necessary for you to understand the rate of unlegitness these guys are at. It's pretty self evident based off of these recordings, have fun! =)
    Last edited by Bible; 03-16-2016 at 08:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    You need at least 2-3 screenshots of the users' pings for every replay you've provided. You showed us their pings in one mansion's replay and in one duel room.
    Some of these replays belong to rein which means he also has to provide 2-3 screenshots of the users' pings.

    Also, some of them are not even in the replays/screenshots.

  3. #3
    Hey man i think its good enough tho... I cant take 60 screenshots for each replay its pretty evident what the pings are and theyre all from the same time judging based off of when the replays were taken as shown while dling..

  4. #4
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    He could have different pings in each clanwar/match tho. We're not going to consider Rein's replays as evidence since he didn't provide any screenshots.

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    He could have different pings in each clanwar/match tho. We're not going to consider Rein's replays as evidence since he didn't provide any screenshots.
    dude the replays were all back to back... you cant really expect me to take 80 screenshots of 20 replays lol.. lets be realistic here. it shouldnt take much to get these guys banned its pretty self evident whats going on here.

    not only that but i can have like 20 people vouch they've been ddosing, its been nysage and pattern ddosing. ask rise/layne/damian/bar/tommy/me/van/etc. etc.. lol this is getting pathetic we cant even play this server because of ddosing.. i stayed off of fgunz all day yesterday i went on at night and i got ddos'd... literally cannot play this server until these fools get banned. i tried forcenatting and they still grabbed my ip thru ip sniffer lmao

    *edit considering vpns arent allowed cant even use a vpn when playing

  6. #6
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

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    Oct 2012
    Originally Posted by Bible View Post
    dude the replays were all back to back... you cant really expect me to take 80 screenshots of 20 replays lol.. lets be realistic here. it shouldnt take much to get these guys banned its pretty self evident whats going on here.

    not only that but i can have like 20 people vouch they've been ddosing, its been nysage and pattern ddosing. ask rise/layne/damian/bar/tommy/me/van/etc. etc.. lol this is getting pathetic we cant even play this server because of ddosing.. i stayed off of fgunz all day yesterday i went on at night and i got ddos'd... literally cannot play this server until these fools get banned. i tried forcenatting and they still grabbed my ip thru ip sniffer lmao
    I understand what you're trying to say but you could take 2 screenshots of every clanwar even though that's too much work. Rules are rules '-'

    As for the DDoS part, we can't take any actions if none can actually prove that someone is ddosing you. I understand your frustration but we can't ban players without any kind of evidence.

    Also, as much as I know, you can use a vpn if it has a static ip (as long as Dave allows it obv).

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    I understand what you're trying to say but you could take 2 screenshots of every clanwar even though that's too much work. Rules are rules '-'

    As for the DDoS part, we can't take any actions if none can actually prove that someone is ddosing you. I understand your frustration but we can't ban players without any kind of evidence.

    Also, as much as I know, you can use a vpn if it has a static ip (as long as Dave allows it obv).
    dave allows paid vpns im not paying 10$ a month to play fgunz.. im just saying its ridiculous that i need like 40 screenshots on these replays just to get people banned.. i took 4 screenshots from 1 replay inwhich all of the replays are back to back... if you dont want to handle this we can ask other gm's or go to dave... other than that none of us can play this server until these guys get banned. we're all getting ddos'd layne got ddos'd all day yesterday. lol i mean you should take our word for it i dont think 20 people would complain to get randoms banned.

    i think its better you get rid of the scum who used to ddos your server.. hack on your server... bypass every single day on your server.... over your actual competitive community. you know what i mean? i dont see why enhance was offered another chance... if youre trying to let this server turn into an ag lol...

    - - - Updated - - -

    also if you look at the last two links they have screenshots for those replays. the rosee.rar one

    theres 35 screenshots in there of pings according to nerval.

    also look thru this stream for more screenshots of pings lmao...

    link isnt working so i took a screenshot of the stream link

    02: 3 8:20
    02: 4 2 :52
    Last edited by Bible; 03-15-2016 at 09:01 PM.

  8. #8
    didnt want to make an expose thread.. but i heard tomer unbanned spiderman because he knows him... based off of what zachary said..

    lol... i could of made an expose thread of corruption but im not tryna leak my boy zachary's skype to the community/nor start drama... just tryna get some rats banned.. rats in rose..

  9. #9
    *Edit added another youtube video

  10. #10
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    First of all, let me say that in my opinion none of them used HP/AP of Opponent Vision. I don't think it's really possible to prove that someone actually has HP/AP of Opponent Vision, and i've watched the replays and came to the conclusion that there were no signs of it. Also, we're not going to consider Rein's replay as evidence since he didn't provide even one single screenshot.

    Now I'll explain my point of view about each one of them:

    About Invade - I'm afraid that 3 screenshots of his pings are not enough because you've provided something like 4 replays of him but you showed us his pings in Mansion only (What about Battle Arena and Island?). Anyways, I've decided to check it anyways and I must say that there's nothing special about him. He doesn't make a lot of damage, most of the time his mates carried him.

    About Nysage - In my opinion he was indeed using ESP. It wasn't hard to spot, especially in Mansion. He always knew where his enemies are. He may say it was soundplay but I highly doubt about it. At the first replay, there was a round where he and one of his mates were against someone( I don't remember the name). The enemy was walking without making any noise and he was camping at the right side of the 2nd floor (near the red base). Somehow Nysage knew he was camping there so he was waiting for him at the same floor, near the middle and he was waiting for him to come out. Other than that, it looks like most of his shots were PBs no matter from what range, kinda suspicious. Doubt it was hitbox but I think he was indeed using something.

    About Spiderman - I honestly don't know why you reported him. If i recall right, he was playing only once and it was against mercurylamp. Everything looked perfectly fine. Also there was only 1 screenshot of his ping which isn't enough.

    About Lingo - The only suspicious round was in your second duel replay - 2nd round when he killed Rising in 3 shots if I recall right. I think he wasn't focused when he was playing against mercurylamp because 99% of the time he was just rushing alone and dying so I guess you're not talking about that.

    About Raiku - In my opinion he was indeed using something, but that wasn't hitbox. He managed to give hard PBs from mid-far range which is very suspicious. I'll let the other GMs to decide about this one since I'm not sure if he was actually using anything or not.

    About whitex6panda - I'll be honest with you, sometimes it does look like he gives impossible shots. What I mean is that sometimes his shots should of been only 9-10 damage but instead it was way more. Those moments were very rare so that could be just coincidence. if the other GMs agree with me, then he should be banned.

    About Moreira - If I recall right, he was playing only twice against mercurylamp - in Prison and Port. Doesn't look like he was using anything. It's a no from me.

    About Genoa - He was playing only once in Town against mercurylamp. I don't think it's enough evidence, he got carried by his mates.

    About King - This user is legit, I don't think there's much to explain.

    Overall, all of those are simply my opinins about each player. It doesn't mean I'm right and it also doesn't mean I'm wrong. You'll have to wait for the other GMs to reply as well.

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