Originally Posted by Guntar View Post
I was very disappointed logging-in to play tonight and finding the reduced Kodachi delay reverted.

I've been bored with GunZ and found that reducing the delay on kodachis made the game fun and enjoyable again the past few several weeks. Frankly using katanas has gotten very boring over many years of playing. I was quite motivated and had a lot of fun with the challenge of attacking faster rather than just simply hitting harder as I easily could with a Deadly Katana.

I went and tried testing current Kodachi's in-game and there's nothing left from what I found to be fun and enjoyable. Their delay is back to old high levels no difference from a Katana other than lower damage.

I'm praying this wasn't some big tease. I had been been waiting for something like this to revive my interest in the game and I'm dispirited after testing to see what (mostly) meant. If mostly means that you bumped the damage up by 1 and called it good, I'll be the first to say I'm not thrilled.

Is there a plan for low delay Kodachi's to be revised further for balance? What's the next step?
That is because of the glad community, personally I rather listen to them on reverts/changes/fixes for items such as kodachi's instead of just say.. you that found these after a delay change to be less bored on GunZ (no hate ).

It would be the same with questers or clanwar fokes that play those "modes", rather listen to them for changes as people who happen to play it once in a while (this goes for most games in the world).