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  1. #1
    New Member

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    IGN of reported player: Gael

    Reason: Corruption and Threatening

    Proof/Evidence: I know this isn't going to do anything and it's just a waste of time trying to report a staff member to other staff members but I think the players should see what kind of people run this server.

    I posted a ban appeal because I'm a hug 3 pussy who got banned and this guy told me "Tell me about your bypass attempt or I'll add another month to your ban"... Number 1 mo****a that IS threatening whether you think so or not, number 2 **** you.

    Then I send him a PM telling him my opinion of him and he replies telling me that my OPINION of him as a person will effect my chances of being unbanned. When I ask him to clarify that that is exactly what he is telling me he dodges the question.

    The last message he sent me was just COMPLETELY unprofessional, like "Hey I was gonna do somethin but I don't like you so I'm just gonna TELL you I was gonna do it because not I'm not gonna do it".. Wtf is that? That's the most childish shit I've ever seen from a staff member..

    I'm too lazy to go and look at his staff application but I'm sure if I did his age would be listed as 16 or under.

    I just think the players should know that they have an underage, power hungry, corrupt, ****ish GM on the staff team.
    and since this pretty much applies to 90% of the staff team I already know the only "punishment" to come from this thread is all of you telling me I'm being a bitch about it.

  2. #2
    Camel's Avatar Destructive Death

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Your overall attitude lead to this and by looking at the screenshots, I can see that Gael was talking to you in a very professional way untill you started insulting and provoking him and also calling him a corrupted and power hunger staff hence why he acted like that.

    This isn't going to help your unban but it just makes it worse for you, quit complaining about it and deal with the consequences of what you have done.

    Waiting for Dave's/McSic's input here.

  3. #3
    Michi's Avatar spread kindness

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    1.) Did you know the day you made all of those appeals your original ban length could've been drastically extended? But you don't see 90% of the GMs saying oh man this guys being annoying, extend his ban another 100 years - what was even more childish was you spamming appeals refusing to be banned, not sure what you were doing there lol.

    Because that is not how we do things here, all I told you was to come clean because you did not bring the VPN up in the appeal until I said that.
    I said those things because I am aware of everyone being HUMANS, and humans make mistakes and do stupid things. That's life. (I am talking about when your ban reason), not me just incase you misinterpreted rofl.
    Pretty sure if I pmd you that before you sent me that disgusting PM insulting me you would've cooperated.
    Whatever though.

    (By the way requesting for this to be removed once it has been handled since it has information on appeals in here.)
    Last edited by Michi; 04-25-2016 at 01:01 AM.

  4. #4
    New Member

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    Jan 2015
    Originally Posted by Gael View Post
    1.) Did you know the day you made all of those appeals your original ban length could've been drastically extended? But you don't see 90% of the GMs saying oh man this guys being annoying, extend his ban another 100 years - what was even more childish was you spamming appeals refusing to be banned, not sure what you were doing there lol.

    Because that is not how we do things here, all I told you was to come clean because you did not bring the VPN up in the appeal until I said that.
    I said those things because I am aware of everyone being HUMANS, and humans make mistakes and do stupid things. That's life. (I am talking about when your ban reason), not me just incase you misinterpreted rofl.
    Pretty sure if I pmd you that before you sent me that disgusting PM insulting me you would've cooperated.
    Whatever though.

    (By the way requesting for this to be removed once it has been handled since it has information on appeals in here.)
    That's fine I can make a new thread outside of appeals showing just the screen shot, same difference you spiteful child.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Originally Posted by Zéxi View Post
    Your overall attitude lead to this and by looking at the screenshots, I can see that Gael was talking to you in a very professional way untill you started insulting and provoking him and also calling him a corrupted and power hunger staff hence why he acted like that.

    This isn't going to help your unban but it just makes it worse for you, quit complaining about it and deal with the consequences of what you have done.

    Waiting for Dave's/McSic's input here.

    ("Tell me about your bypass attempt or I'll add another month to your ban"
    Then I send him a PM telling him my opinion of him and he replies telling me that my OPINION of him as a person will effect my chances of being unbanned.)

    Yes mucho professionalo

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Trial by combat
    Sounds really familiar to me..
    Right, it was your childish imbecilic appeal of yours!

    And we're here talking about maturity..
    Act your age not your shoe size and maybe someday we will consider dealing with an unsophisticated irresponsible hooligan such as yourself..

    He did nothing wrong, hell look at your own gyazo screenshot and tell me he wasn't trying to be nice towards when you were a complete sardonic toddler towards him.

  6. #6
    New Member

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    Jan 2015
    Originally Posted by Taint View Post
    Trial by combat
    Sounds really familiar to me..
    Right, it was your childish imbecilic appeal of yours!

    And we're here talking about maturity..
    Act your age not your shoe size and maybe someday we will consider dealing with an unsophisticated irresponsible hooligan such as yourself..

    He did nothing wrong, hell look at your own gyazo screenshot and tell me he wasn't trying to be nice towards when you were a complete sardonic toddler towards him.
    Why don't you gtfo kid, you don't know shit and you're only here to talk shit.
    Everything you just said is retarded. I'm sorry that you can't read and understand that you're wrong but it's not my fault so take it out on someone else, k kid?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Originally Posted by JLawls View Post
    Why don't you gtfo kid, you don't know shit and you're only here to talk shit.
    Everything you just said is retarded. I'm sorry that you can't read and understand that you're wrong but it's not my fault so take it out on someone else, k kid?
    What this does only proves my point with your nasty attitude, locked until an Administrator takes a look at this one.

  8. #8
    McSic's Avatar L e a d e r

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I agree with my GMs here.
    P.S. You should adopt another tone when you talk to staff because this attitude is getting you nowhere.

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