Greetings everyone, here's the bracket:
You can also take a look at the bracket here
Round 1
* Format: Team name : Player1 Player2 Player3
vs Opponent team: Player1 Player2 Player3
- Map
- Winner
* birdz : ^9Ricky^E ^GLus^1hen ^9Eagle^1
vs *****s from bahrain : Kai Sayoren straitdab4wz
- Factory
- *****s from bahrain
* dmg reduce : iSwingShots Kingdom Sunlite
vs *****RaisedUp : Husky Beastkorean Casion
- empty
* oy gevalt : Chinato Ace Ikoma
vs Kapotgoed : Sex Luuk ^3Kin^5g ^2Deon^3
- Town
- oy gevalt
* Tousen : Dictionary Genesis Decapitate
vs 3LCK : xStorm Sovran MagieC
- empty
* Double Ofek : ^2R^9eba^2r^9 ^1ColinOdo^F ^9-^0J^9an
vs Rage : Aynia Phatcat godfu**
- empty
* Fenix : ^8Mol^Aten^7Lava ^9Mattie^A ^0Ph^9oe^Cnix^1
vs OverTime : Shot_user1 Rally Curor
- OverTime
* TheSingaporean : Jin ^7Seth^E Vow
vs YourMom : Ommadawn ^9Mex^C ^9Mex^0 - TBA
- empty
* Unlegit =) : Lines Jap_bbb hasj
vs Pro3s : ^1-^GZabu^1-^C ^0Polar^6Bear^E ^7A^9qua
- empty
Contact list:
Round 1 has started, you have 1 week(till 14th, July) to complete your matches, in that time you will have to agree with your opponent team on a map and play your game, you can contact them via the contact list posted above. If you have a problem with agreeing on a map or even contacting your opponent, feel free to private message me and I shall take care of it. Also, if there are any comments or questions or concerns, feel free to private message me by clicking