First I would like to say that I love Gunz for the most part. Been playing Gunz since 2003 I believe. And its cool, but this new update? I would like to know who's making these decisions. I would like to point out 2 specific ones in particular.

Players that are kicked re banned from room. And if you leave during the kick, you are banned for an hour and this applies to all your characters on your account

* Really? Who decided this? Many people and myself feel as if this is unfair for players that are better than everyone else. Because if you're to good, people will kick you for no reason. And we aren't allowed to leave? it's almost like we're being punished for no reason if majority says so. Especially those people who don't like certain weapons you use and try to influence room to boot you. You can't control people's weapons or what they want to equip. That's what room tags are for. And you can't get mad if someone wants to rejoin just because they're better than you. Don't get me wrong, I understand some people force-lag, and are outright toxic. So boundaries needs to be set for the kicking system, but this new system is being abuse in all game modes just because people are better than other people. And we have to dumb our game down to their level not to get kicked. Please change this rule because this is unfair.

2nd one I'd address

Snipers do Less damage the closer you are from them

Then why don't all guns do less damage when closer? This doesn't make sense at all. All guns should do equal damage regardless of distance. (with the exception of shotgun because realistically, that has close range and not far range) This decision does not make sence at all. What is the reason for this?>

Last one

No More Gravity Tag? [G40]

Gravity made the game fun an interesting. This community is getting repetitive with room tags. It's always Zombies [EX] or [GLAD] or Attk & DEF [IA] [R].
that's literally it and its gets boring. Gravity added flavor in the game and made it fun when you wanted something new and different. Instead of it being repetitive. And if you didn't like it, then don't join. no ones forcing you to join.

Please GM Don't take this as complaining. Just many players feel the game is being nerfed because of majority wants control and influence over pro players. Never confuse the Silent Majority over the loud minority.

Please reply at your earlier convince, thank you.