Originally Posted by Hexpresso View Post
That'd be something I'd love help with. As I said, it's really a huge side-project that I kinda just hack away on in free time when I'm bored and have nothing else to do. Or when I'm dead in duels. Which is a lot.

Maybe it'll turn into one of those side-projects that I randomly just put a shit ton of work into. We'll see I guess. But I'm not sure if that'd be FG related. That's up to Dave and McSic, but I obviously can't comment in their place.
Let me know some day in the future and hand over that client you will be using so I can give some of my effort back to the GunZ community, I believe an organised client would help the developers of the future/ who ever will use it if it will be a thing a lot.
Cause what I currently have is just unorganised shit.