Originally Posted by Arances View Post
im talking about duo-trio

i'm 3900 rating atm and i got placed at 2600

i solo queued my way up to 3900 .. now i'm not saying solo queue is better because i've had to learn a huge hero pool in order to do the BEST for the team in every single game like if you're a zarya main and you queue up and there's another zarya main in the team then its tough right? 1 of them will have to play something diff and they will probably not play it well so my tip is try to learn those heroes...

Reaper ( only if you have support from an Ana or a Lucio reaper on his own is kinda poopy in high elo )

every single 1 of those heroes are literally carry material so if you manage to play those 5 decently then you will most likely contribute to every single game you play
i do alrdy main genji, tracer and zarya and i'd like to think im pretty good at them. I just needa play more games, i do think i can hit 3500 for sure if i spend enough time. Im prob not good enough to hit 4k for a while tho