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  1. #1
    New Member

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    IGN of reported player: Relax with colors

    Reason: We were in musical chairs event, TET benny was hosting and everything was fine, we started the 2nd round, and after we spawn its so normal for the players to start moving/tumbling until the hosts freezes us, that's what the freeze command is made for, so I was moving before the freeze, so I got stuck moving with freeze command on, I didn't rly mean to do that, now benny doing his job freezes me and he spawns me again, and out of no where the ET relax comes to me, kills me and tell me these words that are in the ss, I've played this event more times than I could remember, and I know that what I did is completely fine, and btw he does hate me, but idc, he can't talk to me in that way while I'm not doing anything wrong, and btw it was benny who was hosting so he was handling everything in the right way,
    I think I deserve an apology from relax directly.


  2. #2
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

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    May 2013
    It's the first week of trials and it hasn't even been 3 days since we selected trials. The first week we are allowed to help the trials host and to show them tips to speed up the event process on longer events. When we do the /freeze command and if you were moving prior to the freeze, it doesn't stop you from moving it instead makes an animation lock of you moving. Even if we spawn you and you decide to move when we freeze you, it would just be a repeat of the past action. Benny didn't have a training sword to slash you into a corner so the option to spawn you was left, but we still needed to tell you to stop moving or it would be a repeat of you being in an animation lock when frozen and moving. The trial period can be said to be the learning period for potential new Event Team members and we the Official Event Team members need to show examples from time to time. My action in the screenshot was warning you to stop moving on a spawn so we prevent a moving glitch and I am allowed to do that (oh and before I killed you, you were moving, and that can easily be proven in my replay). You not moving when frozen would in turn speed up the event and not have us nitpicking at your moving because we cannot place mines before everyone is frozen in place and in the same location to make it fair for everyone.


  3. #3
    New Member

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    Dec 2017
    Well, it has nothing to do with trials, no need to get into this.
    Btw I didn't see that coming from you, speaking about speeding up events...nvm.
    Gm MrMister had a training sword, and you could possibly kill me and warn me in a decent way, that way of speaking shouldnt be tolerated specialy in your postion where you should be an example and show the trials how to also speak properly to the players and not disrespecting them, and regarding the event, again, we were only 5 players so i dont see how me being stuck would slow down the event, 3 years ago 34 players used to play this event and literally all of them used to move, back then none of the ET's complained, they just were ready and did their job. So me being stuck in a glitch is not a big deal and it doesnt slow the event, you guys should handle this, and i can understand that you might get lazy to spawn again and i do understand that, i really do, but even if you wanna make it easier for you, there is a proper way to warn me and to tell me not to move, I'd be completely okay with that,
    I'm asking for an apolgy

  4. #4
    Dunkin's Avatar E X G O D

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    Mar 2020

    I don't see anything wrong with what Relax said in the screenshot, I think you are being a little bit too sensitive for a situation this minor. I was actually there and it didn't seem like you voiced your concerns to any of the staff in the room about Relax's tone or action so I assumed there was no problem. I did in fact see you move around each time you were summoned in which you were turning your mouse to move to a different location than everyone else. Thus from your actions Relax though you were trying to stall and take up time therefore killing you and warning you to stop before spawning you and placing you at the right location.

    If there is any concern while you are in an event feel free to contact any of the staff that is in the game room or maybe even express your concerns with the host.

    Last edited by Dunkin; 10-17-2020 at 05:38 AM.

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