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  1. #1
    TomasEdison's Avatar ✨ שָׁוִיתי ה' לנֶגדי תמיד

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Name: Tomer.

    In-Game Name: ^9TomasEdison^A // ^9T^0omer^C // TomasEdison.

    Date of birth: December 23rd, 2003.

    Country & timezone: Israel, GMT+3.

    About me:
    I am Tomer, and I'm 16 years old, will turn 17 in 9 days. I live in Israel, a student in the 12th grade, which means it's my last year in the educational institution before starting my military service in the IDF. Of course, that I won't enlist the day or two months after I finish studying, I believe it will take about a year or so. Moreover, I am studying Arabic, Sociology, and Psychology. I have been investing a lot of effort into these subjects for the past two years. I also plan to use these subjects in the future, whether it's in the army or university. My hobbies are drawing, playing football, reading books/comics, and writing stories/poems.

    Freestyle GunZ is the first server I ever recognized. I've been playing here since 2013. I have gathered experiences and a controversial reputation among the community all over the past years. I have met amazing people who became a significant part of my life for over three years. We are in touch every day or at least a few times a week. I enjoy every day of playing this game since it usually fills empty parts of satisfaction. Besides, I learn new things about myself as a player and a person who knows how to maintain his schedule properly to refrain from a possible contradiction between the virtual environment to reality. Overall, this game has become a significant part of my life mostly because of the importance I ascribe to it, whether it's the support provided in various manners by people or the enjoyable game-play that is caused by the vibes players bring with them.

    As a game moderator, my goals are to help the community with everything required me to do as a part of the staff team of Freestyle GunZ. By following the Terms of Service, the different regulations, and the main rules of this game, I'll handle reports and grant assistance for players who face a problem, whether it's on forums and Discord or in-game. I will ensure the rules are fully enforced, which also means I'll be active in-game as much as I can and serve the community as best as I can do. I believe that as a part of the FWorld community, one of my primary purposes is to help and even guide new players who have just started to play in this server or the game itself. That's because I have enough knowledge and abilities to do so. It's something which I've done for the past several years as a player, and it is not going to change. As a GM, I'll have to preserve it.

    Since I believe everyone should be treated equally and fairly, there won't be exceptions for anyone who breaks and manipulates the rules. My intentions are not to share out free punishments or treat whoever I want the way I want, but to raise awareness regarding what is allowed plus prohibited and eventually take actions accordingly. Nevertheless, important to mention that being strict is something that I'll mostly apply, especially when it comes to critical and serious discussions or incidents that might occur. Besides, as a game moderator, I won't sow fear among people of the community or whatsoever. The main idea is to keep on positive vibes and enjoyable game-play.

    How active are you? Do you have school or a job that could take up a lot of your time?
    I am very active in-game, an average of 5-10 hours a day. When I have free time, then I'll certainly be more active than the average. Since I have school and this is the last year, there are going to be exams and projects by the second semester until the end of the year. However, I promise to keep managing my schedule accordingly, so that both school or in-game stuff will not collide with each other.

    Languages I know fluently: Hebrew & English.

    Do you meet all of the requirements? (If Yes, explain why; If No, explain why we should still hire you)
    I'll begin with the 'Core Requirements' which attached on the format thread;
    - Must be active in-game.

    - Somewhat of a clean record (If you do have past offenses, they will be taken into consideration; depending on the severity of the offense and the time length between the most recent offense and a prior offense (if there was one), decisions will be made)
    Clarification: First of all, since I've returned, I did not receive any mute or warning. Past offenses are three years old, which is irrelevant, in my opinion. A lot of things have changed over the past three years. Therefore, I don't think that anyone can be judged about a report that was posted in 2017 or earlier.

    Regarding the known 'disconnections incident': I do regret the damage I caused at that time by abusing staff powers during my Trial ET period. I do apologize for my actions since they were out of place. And there's nothing to deny since I'm responsible for everything I did. However, we are three years later. Things are not the same any longer with both me or others here. I can promise that it won't happen again. That is due to the maturity, realization, and tons of values I've gathered.
    At this point, I'd also like to put something on the table. Once I returned here, I spoke with many people who personally got hurt by me and with staff members who were apart of the team years ago when I was a trial event team member. Those were long conversations that lasted hours or even took days to complete. Some of them even led to new friendships inside or even out of this game. They proved to me that their opinion changed and they are convinced that I won't repeat that mistake ever again, which means they trust me.

    Lastly, the amount of support and countenance I've faced recently is unbelievable. Many members of the community who have been standing beside me the past few years, and those who've just met me recently, believe in me that I'll be able to serve this community as best as I can do with what I can offer. Therefore, this imbues much more confidence in me, and I believe I should be given a chance. After all, this isn't just a game, but a social one. We can never ignore or forget that part.

    - A decent foundation on the English language.

    - A decent reputation among the community.
    Clarification: In the 'About me' I stated that I have gathered a controversial reputation all over the past years. To make that clear, this is not as controversial as it used to be a few years ago when I had a bunch of both haters, involved myself in every little drama that occurred in-game or on forums, or even fought with people daily when it sometimes reached extreme and personal levels.
    However, I returned this year, eight months ago, on April 4th, 2020, and it was covered by constant work. Rebuilding and fixing everything I caused in the past; the hatred and damage I caused others or my perception that got hurt by many things I did a few years ago (as a regular player or an ex-trial event team member three years ago).

    At this point, I'd like to mention that my perception and reputation got hurt among the staff team of FGunZ also because of an ex-game moderator who miserably lied about something which never happened about one or two years ago on another server. Anyways, that case was opened, and I hope, fully clarified in front of McSic via Discord in private. You have to understand that this is not easy at all to fight a rumor, especially when it happened during the time I was absent. A few other staff members are aware of that as well, since I shared it with them, whether they specifically asked about it or had a conversation with me about rumors or past incidents. Overall, I believe that I'm in a better situation nowadays. I feel like I belong here more than ever, I am in good relations with most of the members of this community, I got to meet new people, gathered more knowledge and experience in everything related to this game, and much more.

    - You must be registered for at least 3 months in-game.

    Lastly, I am aware of my responsibilities, apply my capabilities, and have my achievements in various manners, whether it's in-game or reality. I think it is essential to emphasize all of these because I always fight for what I'm trying to accomplish and attain justice and equality for everyone without exceptions. Besides, I promise to treat every player fairly, care for everyone's needs here, keep on positivity and professionalism in everything I do, and make the game-play more enjoyable in a variety of ways (it includes enforcing the rules and regulations properly).

    What experience do you have that could contribute towards being a GM (Do not mention other server names, regardless of whether or not they are still alive)?
    I believe I have gathered a lot of experience during the past two years as an ex-GM in two other servers. It reflects in the careful handling of doubts and questions of players in various manners and the constant activity, which can help me enforce the rules without missing occurrences that might manipulate the game-play. It includes catching cheaters, hackers, rule-breakers, and more. Besides, I have the capability of being responsible for the job. I'm also open-minded to listen to others' needs and hand out assistance, something that can be helpful as a game moderator. Nevertheless, at some point, being a GM requires the ability to communicate with other players directly and to be an attentive ear, something which I believe I can do with no doubt since I've been doing that pretty well for the past several years.

    What is your purpose in applying for the role?
    First of all, I quickly get along with management stuff in real-life. So, it'd be excellent to prove it in a game where I might be given the chance to be responsible for various things that require it. The mere fact I've been playing in this server, and this game in particular for a long time, proves the importance I ascribe to it. For me, the main idea of becoming a GM is to do every possible thing that will positively affect this game and the members here. I also admit that I strive to make changes, so as a GM, it'd be much more approachable.

    As a game moderator, I strive to accomplish my goals and treat the entire FWorld community equally, and be active to assist players in need. I will also be involved as much as I can, whether it's to take a part and play various game-modes, Clan Wars, daily events, and actually be cooperative, or guide new players. Additionally, since it's imperative to raise awareness regarding features that new players might not have heard about, I'll take that as a responsibility. As a result, it will surely improve their experience in-game.

    Lastly, the main accomplishments I set for myself are to enforce the rules, to ensure the game-play is clean from manipulators as it should be, and to influence the community with anything I can contribute.

    What can you contribute to FreestylersWorld / Freestyle GunZ?
    Honestly, there's nothing special or 'terrifying' that I can offer you as a whole. However, if you take into consideration what I mentioned in the parts above, then I am completely sure those can be contributive to FGunZ significantly.

    Do you know any current staff members who would vouch for you? State who and why.
    Tenax: We met each other about five years ago, when both she or I were popular in the community. Let's say, a little before she became an ET member. We have things in common such as humor-sense, memories from the past, and unique type of conversations. Back in the time, during my Trial ET period, our relations didn't end up well, and what I tried to do once I got unbanned is to fix it. We have been standing by each other a lot of times. Thus, our respect for each other is impressive. Today, we're not friends in-game only, but outside as well. She's one of the only people who got to know who I am, whether it's my true colors and beliefs or even strives for the future, both here or in real-life. Therefore, I believe she would vouch for me.

    Raphačl: I respect him a lot, not only as a player, but a person. He taught me a lot about tolerance, acceptance, and caring. We supported and stood by each other during our first Trial ET period that was three years ago. I still remember the excitement of both of us. Even after all of the ups and downs we've gone through, we keep standing beside each other. I can also tell that he has a big part in my return, and he perfectly knows that. He has seen me growing-up, changing, applying my abilities and knowledge, and improving a lot for the past several months. Thus, I believe he would vouch for me.

    Ommadawn: Both of us didn't have conversations, if so, back in 2015-17 (the time I became more active and more popular in FGunZ). Since I've returned here, we became friends faster than what anybody could ever imagine. We have many conversations about different subjects, and one of them was also about the D/C incident. I tend to believe he changed his mind about me as well. We've also consulted multiple times regarding personal stuff, and for me, it shows real countenance. Lastly, during the last period, he has been watching my change in both behavior and attitude for the best, and he has seen my true colors. Thus, I believe he would vouch for me.

    TonySoprano: He is the first person who's not from Israel I ever got to speak with and meet. Around 4-5 years ago, it was indeed a new thing for me to communicate with someone in a call in a different language. As time passed and I got banned, we were in touch only for the first few months of my ban, and then, we didn't chat more. When I returned, he was one of the first people to welcome me back gladly. Since then, he became one of the closest people to me here. As well as we have our disagreements and differences, we learn new things about each other all the time. He's been watching my change during the past several months as well, and he has gotten multiple opportunities to see my abilities, knowledge, and caring for this game. Therefore, I believe he'd vouch for me.

    Dunkin: We met each other this year, and we get to speak lots of times. Neither he recognized me before nor did I. He knows my capabilities, intentions, and goals. Besides, he knows he can count on me as a GM that I won't either disappoint him or anybody else. Therefore, I believe he would vouch for me.

    Thank you for reading my application & I wish good luck to the other candidates as well!

    “Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house - a world, and beyond its world - a heaven.
    Know then, that the world exists for you: build, therefore, your own world”

    - "Nature" (Chapter 8), Ralph Waldo Emerson
    *Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Avatar picture!

  2. #2
    TonySoprano's Avatar GM

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Hi Tom, thanks for taking the time to create this detailed application and putting me in your vouch. I'd like to go over a few things regarding your application.

    First of all your activity is awesome in-game and on forums, I always see you helping old and new players constantly to the best of your ability. I have seen you become more mature after all that happened and I can say you have changed from how it used to be years ago. You have a decent foundation of English and that goes a long way.

    Secondly, One of the biggest things on my mind is trust, based on a incident that happened long time ago can we trust you in the Game Moderator role? How can you assure us that this would not happen again? Are you applying just for the fact of having the Power of a GM?

    Lastly, How can you change your reputation among the community? Would you be able to handle the constant trolling and stabs that people take towards GMs?

    I would like to see what your response is and what other GMs say first before I decide on my vouch. Thanks

  3. #3
    TomasEdison's Avatar ✨ שָׁוִיתי ה' לנֶגדי תמיד

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Hi Tony,

    Thank you for reading my application and for your kind words, I appreciate it.

    Q: One of the biggest things on my mind is trust, based on a incident that happened long time ago can we trust you in the Game Moderator role? How can you assure us that this would not happen again? Are you applying just for the fact of having the Power of a GM?

    A: That incident occurred three years ago. It's a long time to change your mind, attitude, and behavior regarding everything you do, whether it comes to minor things or serious stuff. As I said, I do regret the damage I caused. Things got out of hands. That is not like I ignore the incident that happened at that time. Trust me that if I'm confident about myself that it'll never happen again, then I'd have no reason to repeat it continuously in my application. I'm more mature than I used to compared to 3-4 years ago, I do not ever take actions without thinking before, and I do not see myself in a situation like that ever again. Besides, you brought up that I help old/new people, and that's true. As I mentioned, I'll preserve it as a GM since I find it very important and supportive to our server. You have seen me improving and watched my change during the past several months, and I am glad you confirm it. At this point, I assure you that I won't disappoint you or anyone else here, especially won't repeat the same mistake. Therefore, I believe you can trust me, based on what I clarified here and in my application above.
    Another thing is I am not applying for the fact of having the powers of a Game Moderator. As I pointed out, I've been a GM in two other servers before, and the intention had never resulted in a place of power-seeking or something similar. Therefore, you can be sure that I'm not applying to have powers. Purposes in applying for the role can be found on the part "What is your purpose in applying for the role?", this is to refrain from continuous repeat.

    Q: How can you change your reputation among the community? Would you be able to handle the constant trolling and stabs that people take towards GMs?

    A: Honestly, I don't think that my reputation has to be perfect or something like that. There's nothing wrong with having a controversial reputation, both when it comes to what happened in the past or still happen nowadays. The idea of being a part of a community, both IRL or online, is to learn how to improve and become better and even to accept other opinions and consider them. There will always be supporters and haters, and I'm not worried about that. Overall, you cannot always satisfy everyone. However, I can assure you that I'll be working harder on my reputation and perception among the community once I become a Game Moderator due to incidents that I mentioned. Being a GM obviously requires patience, willingness to do many things that I might not have faced in the past few years, and even take actions accordingly, which I believe I'll be able to do undoubtedly. Shortly, my reputation is not to be changed, but to be improved.
    Moreover, I would be able to handle the constant trolling and stabs that people take towards GMs because I learned how to deal with that in the past few years. Being an ex-GM reveals you to many trolling and stab incidents, and I believe I handled all of them pretty well.

    I think your questions have been answered clearly. Feel free to reply again if there's a misunderstanding about anything I wrote.

    “Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house - a world, and beyond its world - a heaven.
    Know then, that the world exists for you: build, therefore, your own world”

    - "Nature" (Chapter 8), Ralph Waldo Emerson
    *Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Avatar picture!

  4. #4
    PhantomMylo's Avatar Junior Member

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Hi Tomer! Thank you for applying and investing your time into this very detailed app!
    I have read your application and it is very detailed and nicely done.
    Putting aside the incident your English is very good, and as we can all see you have dedicated your time to this app, and you are indeed known for helping new and old players which is a +.
    Now getting into things that happened, we all know the abuse that happened 3 years ago, won't call it an "incident" because it is way more... That dc made lots of players quit Freestyle Gunz. Back at the time, you were an Event Team, and as we all know Event Team got fewer powers than GM which make me worry a bit more since you could do much more. It indeed happened a long time ago and we all can see a change in your behavior, by helping people with all types of things, you know all of Fgunz's jobs starting ET to Forum Mode which is amazing.
    I wanted to ask you how can we know things like that will not happen again but you have already answered with a pretty convincing answer, yet I'm not sure if I can trust it because after all we all are built with trusting each other, and once trust is ruined it is hard to build it up again.
    Also another point, it is no secret that there are people you do like and there are some that you don't, how can we know that you will be helping everyone whether you like them or not?

    Once again~ Thank you for applying and investing your time into this very very detailed app! I hope you don't look at it as a negative reply I would also like to hear your opinion!

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