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  1. #1
    Junior Member

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    IGN of reported player: Fearless

    Reason: lagging every single clan war taking delayed damage for weeks. His other clannies also take super delayed dmg but they werent online today.

    Literally had to do 25 hits in a 2v2 to kill this guy. He takes damage and it registers 3-4 secs after which makes him alive for a longer time. told him since last week to fix his net but he always chose to ignore and abuse. i have 2000 recordings of this guy but im not gonna upload so many because then u guys will have to check through alot. but if u need more, feel free to ask. I clicked random gzr files i cant pinpoint exactly in gzr files but u can clearly tell in every gzr file hes taking delayed dmg. even did a youtube video to show clear pov of his net because replay can be a bit messy. plz dont let him get away with warning because many people told him to fix net for ages and his clan and him has done hundreds of cws on this super trash net, hes rank 1 weekly comp because of this and last week also made shit tons of points on this.

    BTW, hes not just abusing delayed damage. There are rounds where the shots are doing completely ZERO damage. I had rounds where i hit 4/4 pbs for 63 dmg where only the last should would register, and my shots were pretty accurate so it wasnt false hits. can see clearly in youtube video.

    ppl can vouch for previous history of net abuse. hes from philippines, should be 10-30 ping, hes 130 ping to me? zz ?


    Replays: CLAN_[001]_Kaiser_2023-07-20_14-54-19_SAKMA****.gzrtown 25 hits.gzrAttachment 18490CLAN_[004]_Kaiser_2023-07-20_14-55-33_SAKMA****.gzr

    screenshots of his -- ping randomly but his char never went AE or anything and moved completely fine regardless.
    Last edited by sikander123; 07-20-2023 at 10:40 AM.

  2. #2
    McSic's Avatar L e a d e r

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Just fyi the 0 dmg shots are an issue introduced in the latest update and will be fixed very soon with a hot patch. The rest of what you said still needs to be looked into.

  3. #3
    TonySoprano's Avatar GM

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    User will be Warned + sent a offline message about his internet / AE issues. Also if he has been abusing internet for weeks he should have been reported more than once.

    Originally Posted by McSic View Post
    Just fyi the 0 dmg shots are an issue introduced in the latest update and will be fixed very soon with a hot patch. The rest of what you said still needs to be looked into.
    As for the 0 dmg shots McSic has addressed that issue already for the next update and will be fixed soon.

    Thanks for reporting!
    Last edited by TonySoprano; 07-20-2023 at 01:25 PM.

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