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  1. #1
    GeorgeGFX's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Welcome to my first League of Legends event.
    The question is - What champion's lore or style attracts you the most and why?

    Rules are the following :
    1. One post per member, if you make two posts, you will be disqualified.
    2. Please follow the format.
    3. Do not go off-topic.
    4. Stick to the rules above.

    The event only applies for users who are playing on the EU West server.
    First best answer gets an ultimate skin. (~1820 a total of RP)
    Second best answer gets a normal skin. (~975 a total of RP)

    Summoner Name:
    Skin desired:

    Good luck to everyone!
    Don't hesitate to ask me questions over a PM.

    The winners will be announced in the next 2-3 days.
    Don't forget to add me as a friend in order to receive your gift.
    Summoner name :

    Last edited by GeorgeGFX; 07-24-2013 at 09:46 PM.

    >>> Credits to Sikk408 @ DevaintArt <<<

  2. The following user said thank you to GeorgeGFX for this useful post:

    Izzat (07-23-2013)

  3. #2
    Izzat's Avatar ded

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Rich boy doing giveaways.

    Good luck to participants!

  4. #3
    Yuzan's Avatar ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Troll King Trundle, cause they changed it e0 e~

    Not even on EUW I just wanted to answer <3
    If I visited your profile, I probably ignored you.

    “You have to continually make choices throughout your life,whether it’s made consciously or unconsciously.
    By making a choice means that you must have also given up on something.
    If you don’t hold any regret in your choice, that means you must have made the right decision.”
    ~ Yoshida Yuzan

    CrunchyRoll Guest Pass
    (Updated - 12/25/2012)

  5. #4
    StephanM's Avatar 🌹

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Summoner Name: AhoyItsSteph
    Skin desired: Hextech Janna or Foxfire Ahri

    I like the playstyle of Shen the most cause...
    You are basicly the tank of the team, you try to absorb the most damage when starting teamfights.
    I really love how you can use Stand United on let's say your ADC who is low, give him a shield and then taunt / flash&taunt on the enemy to turn the fight around.
    Also it is nice when you are somewhat more into the game that when you have a Sunfire cape and a Wit's end you slowly do some nice damage yourself as tank while taking all the damage for your team.
    When I play Shen I am somewhat agressive on plays; Ult or teleport near the enemy and go balls deep in their territory to get some kills for the team.
    And another fun side of Shen is juking, if you get chased you can juke nicely with your Taunt and/or flash (when available).

    Short version:
    Shen, Tank, Agressive playstyle, Teleport & Flash
    Last edited by StephanM; 07-23-2013 at 06:41 PM.

  6. The following 2 users say thank you to StephanM for this useful post:

    Izzat (07-24-2013), SuperShotty (07-23-2013)

  7. #5
    Resort's Avatar Aloha

    Join Date
    May 2011
    Talking about Darius' lore, I really like the style of his lore as it's like most of the karate movie's storyline like, where there's 2 brothers and they are adopted etc. and get raised to be the best and they do amazingly well and join forces of some sort and one is more evil than the other in a way, like if you have ever watched GI Joe then there's the guy that doesn't talk "good" and the guy that wears white is evil and they have a massive rivalry I really like it and the good one turns out to be the best and op like Darius. They always want to be better than each other to be the best and be the most famously known.
    I love Darius because he can just demolish almost anyone with his amazing Ultimate skill bam, bam, bam, bam and bam, PENTAKILL! his skill-set just deals a lot of damage and that's what attracted me to him, it's epic because if you are Darius and you see your team getting killed and your like, "NEVER FEAR DARIUS IS HERE!" and then you just obliterate them and save the day and win the game for your team. It's funny because if your alone in a lane and then you see Darius running at you, your just like o'shit xD, I love it. Alot of people think that Darius is an "OP" champion because of his ultimate and stuff and his good damage and tankyness, early game he does do quite alot of damage, but he is very vulnerable to ganks, although he can get alot of kills this isnt always good for his team, thats why I like him because you need to balance out and let your team get kills and not starve them because if you do starve them then this will happen: and my team didnt even have a proper ADC xD
    So you really need to be a team player more than you think with Darius and if you have a nice amount of kills but your team doesnt have many then you need to attack the enemy and make it easier for your team mates to get kills aswell, thats the way you will win with Darius not by takeing all the kills and being a war hero even though that seems like it would be the way with Darius.
    Darius was the first champion that I ever bought, I was in a game with some friends and one of them was playing Darius top and bare in mind I was really new at this point, I saw how well our friend was doing with Darius and how much damage he was doing, and I just thought right away that I was gonna buy him as soon as I could because I love the champions that do masses of damage.

    It would be so good I think if Riot made another champion that was similar to Darius that could match his epicness and deadlyness it would be like clash of the titans where the unexpected could happen, you wouldnt have a clue.

    Darius always fights for what's right and what he believes in his people, Noxas. "A united Noxas could control the world - and would deserve to."

    Summoner Name: Xenyme

    Skin desired:

    If 1820 - Blood Lord Vladimir

    If 975 - Arclight Varus

    Thank you all mighty George the Challenger.
    Last edited by Resort; 07-27-2013 at 11:12 AM.

  8. The following user said thank you to Resort for this useful post:

    SuperShotty (07-23-2013)

  9. #6
    GeorgeGFX's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I'd like to see more participants.

    >>> Credits to Sikk408 @ DevaintArt <<<

  10. #7
    Resort's Avatar Aloha

    Join Date
    May 2011

  11. #8
    DesiBoii's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Summoner Name: DesiBoii | NA - I'm doing this for fun.
    Skin desired: 975 - Dragon fist Lee Sin | 1820 - dunno.

    I like how Rengar's lore was created with hysterical events as in not even knowing his real parents. but who was raised by a legendary hunter. In every fight he did despite fleeing home in the jungle.. he always took the time learning their instincts and preparing himself for greater victory in upcoming battles. He had always seeked greater pleasure remaining blood-thirsty to become a legendary fighter. He had a quite of a passion to get the prey's skull and bones and decorate his territory's wall using it as in memory for the fearless battles he had experienced but, one day he encountered a fierce battle against an alien-type of monster which caused him to lose his eye.. which is now a red eye with the patch over it. He managed to finish it off as a true warrior. One day, he shall reserve a space for the beast's head, a trophy he swears will one day be the centerpiece of his collection.

    Enough information about the lore, Now, let's get to the main point about his game-play behaviour. He's mainly a jungler, but he could also be played as an TOP-AP character. He's extremely an assassin that i'd refer to in terms of his ult and his passive. If I believe or so.. About 2-3 yrs ago there was this China Team that took the trophy home. One of the players on the team were in the TOP lane with Rengar. This was such a big advantage that.. Everytime Rengar would get into 1v4's he'd manage to get 2 of them, despite getting away with his ult (Camoflauges). Each and every team battle he did with him (Rengar) was basically just outstanding. but the fact the rengar had 3k or 4k HP each time he'd get into the jungle to steal their buffs even had a good duration to get baron in their free time meanwhile. But let me tell you this.. He'd never help his teammates, but STAY in the lane for pretty much the WHOLE GAME. He'd push every tower he had at TOP and when he knew that enemies were about to confront him.. he'd manage to kill 2 of them with him being tanky, and getting away somehow lucky enough. If you think that Rengar still sucks, the main reason was that he got nerfed 3x was because of this player. (I don't know the full story, just know the background story about him.)

    Thanks for reading, might be some spelling errors because I rushed through this.


  12. #9
    yung's Avatar ∅ ≠ S → ∅

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    Jan 2011

    Summoner Name: tigerpony
    Skin desired: Warrior Kingdoms Jarvan IV (1350)
    or Surprise Party Fiddlesticks (975)

    I've been jungling like half season 2 and almost whole season 3 and i love the following champions J4, Elise, Evelynn, zac and fiddlesticks, sejuani I feel like i've been god with those champions still not gaining much elo, (i havn't played enough obv). I suck balls in any other lane than jungle, if i dont get jungle we might aswell surrender at 20, not even worth playing XD
    Anyway surprise party fiddle cause that's like coolest skin on fiddle and the champion is great (only con is probably that hes squishy and no escape)
    WKJ4 has to be the ultimate demacian skin it's totally awesome and i think marvel should hire him to next justice league cause he's the real justice sht

    I hope I win lord fabbbyyy, in you we trust


  13. #10
    JohnB's Avatar 2kawaii2live&amp;2sugoi2die

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Summoner Name: hellomanitsjohnb

    Skin(s) desired:
    1820- Aether Wing Kayle
    975- Bilgewater Katarina


    There's no champion I could have fallen in love with more than Katarina- and not just because she has nice boobies. In terms of gameplay, Katarina shows one of the greatest teamfight cleanup potentials amongst all other champions with her passive, Voracity every time she gains a kill or assist on an enemy champion. It can be the matter of one reset which turns the tides of a team fight- which is why Katarina is extremely focused in team fights. You need to know when to enter a team fight, and though Katarina seems to be "only a ks champion" there's a difference between a smart entrance into a team fight and diving in like a retard then getting cced hard with her ult. Many people acknowledge Katarina's midgame ability and that's why many people try to shut her down- but a well played Katarina is hard to catch if she is able to fully utilise the ward-shunpo technique. If you're able to escape well and have good map awareness, this also makes Katarina very strong split pusher with her ability to clean minion waves almost instantly with her bouncing blades + sinister steel combo on minion waves.

    While this is said, there are many counters for Katarina, making her a dangerous pick, for your team and the other- and that's why I love her.

    Within the lore of Katarina, she just seems like a total badass, like one of those OP people in animés who you think "damn he / she is strong, can't beat that." Her said passion for killing reflects her personality, and in League makes her one of the more satisfying champions to play- nothing is funner than getting loads of kills in a game. It may sound strange to some people, but sometimes there's nothing more lovable than a psycho chick who loves killing and violence (refer to anime glossary- "yandere"). I don't think there's any other bloodthirsty champion more suitable for this kind of play- I tend to play passively, but when I play Katarina I'm usually more aggressive. A champion true to her category, an assassin who takes out the weak, Katarina is a champion who gets the job done and is really fun to play.

    "Violence solves everything!"
    Last edited by JohnB; 07-24-2013 at 04:07 AM.

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