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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    GOAL: To increase player activity in and out of the game while obtaining new players by not discouraging any play style / possible play style, viable weapon(s)/item(s) of choice a player would/could have.

    PURPOSE: To have a lot of diversity and a wide arch in future diversity for players. Freedom in play, without demeaning any other play styles.

    Many people are now used to staying at mid range, not constantly moving in to get pbs for their main way of fighting, spamming shotguns, etc. This is the result of low delays, [R] and [IA] room tags, which mainly aid more shotgun users. However, the problem itself is not just containing a player base that has users spamming guns. The problem is that; 1. room tags limit future updates, conflict with other play styles, game play sets and other weapon combinations. 2. Low delay on only shotguns, combined with anti lead, deny the valid use meleeing, constant, constant close range play styles, mid range (not heavily over powered sprayer users) such as: SMG users, single machine gun users, etc. This also makes fights MUCH more short, especially in anti lead (which is here to stay). However, just changing things suddenly is like forcing someone to play on your key configuration because you say it is better and is the best way to late dash. It may be true, but this thinking is counter intuitive. For players to actually like more diversity via a change, the suggestion would have to not take away from their play styles as well, be it spamming shotguns or anything.

    Room tags:

    Firstly, IA, Infinite Ammunition:


    - Almost no pros at all here, hence, people rarely care to make/join a TDM room with only this room tag. Does not matter here unless the TDM is a larger one like 5v5+.

    - Removes the stress of eventually worrying about running out of ammo, results in feeling more 'in the zone' when playing

    - The punishment back lash for missing a shot against an opponent that has better aim than you is slightly taken away, which results in a more evened out fight regardless of this game not having an auto match system. The easier certain things are, the more fun people will have because a fair and closer to evenly matched fight, is a fun fight. And in a game without auto matching, anything that results in this, will have this positive outcome, but almost always come with a negative side effect by off balancing and conflicting with other weapons/play styles, etc.

    - Closing the gap between a chaser and a runner, running to heal/reload or regroup. Chasers always had a tougher time and even though they might have been more skilled, dieing from a simple camp/surprise PB carried back lash to these players. Knowing you were owning them in a head on fight to only find yourself dead against a runner, results in feeling scammed. Not worrying about running out of ammo, you can be on the chase more. With a game where shotguns are the focus and the meta does not allow space for explosives in these players' inventory, chasing will be a bitch and imbalance certain skills and assets easily such as, reload shot, slash shot, insta. Cuz you can't focus mainly on what you're play style is when chasing with the meta; shotguns and the sort. IA hardly solves this, it ain't no [R], but it aids to this dilemma.

    - Removes the possible outcome: running out of ammo. This unintentionally affects and results the following:
    1. Sprays, now users of these can spray and pray without consequence- almost, they still have to reload. This allows slightly more spam, which will in turn, slightly off balance anything to do with a moving in, rushing, close range play style, chasing, running to heal, regrouping, etc.
    2. Guns that have less ammo (less amounts of reloads) are now off balance. They might as well have infinite clips. This denies weapons that focus on having more damage which require an accurate aim like user in exchange for less ammo. In the end, the denial of a possible play style and freedom while playing is the result.

    1. GunZ is a game where players want to be solo players, often, there is no need to think like: I am the tank, you are the DPS, etc. And when players cannot solo with their play style and find something that aids in them being able to, they will seize it. Most of the players do not and would not be like, okay I will use a rocket and shotgun, you use two shotguns, etc. Although this is a key tactic for a team of DStylers, Kstylers do not like and do mind explosives. If there was a way to have an explosion to aid them for chasing, well, IA could not compare to that resolution regarding chasers versus meta weapon/item users.

    Regarding Clan Wars:
    This is not how clanwars are played. Clanwars do not have any room modifications. Ultimately, when there is a ranking version of a non ranked game mode in any online multiplayer game, the non ranked one would have to reflect and match the ranked version so that over time, you would want all players playing TDMs in FGunZ' case, to eventually try to play clan wars and this exposure would lead to more players in the clan war community. For clan wars to have more success and truly not be a separated from the over all gameplay this server provides, room mods would have to be added to clan wars. But no, that still would not do it. FGunZ would either have to have the possibilities of play styles in modded rooms to be in every room, every room. If every room was already modded to have room tags such as R and IA, and people actually played them often, then clan war can successfully reflect what this game really is, therefore, having full reach on all players playing the non ranked version of clanwars, which is TDMs. Since FGunZ' TDMs do not reflect the aim of where their game is now, this leaves a conflict. What is FGunZ? Clan war in FGunZ CAN NEVER hope to appeal to more players. What is FGunZ?



    - Heavily assists players trying to level here or trying to just up a number- K/D.

    - Aids players that live longer in DMs by eliminating the instance where a player runs out of ammunition, which aids players to stick to a play style they love- using their gun more than their sword.

    - Removes the stress of worrying about eventually running out of ammo, results in feeling more 'in the zone' easier when playing

    - "The punishment back lash for missing a shot against..."

    - Includes the exact same cons this mod has in TDMs, in DMs

    1. Chasing was a prime skill and the hunt and team work in targeting people reloading was the fun. This was forced upon because there was no other option but to chase and focus fire in weakened opponents. Progression needs a better reward to encourage players to want to be active in this game with a play style they like best instead of a single or a couple that do the best. If the fun in reloading and getting ammo overcomes how easy it is to just use IA, we can see more diverse weapon combos being used, newer plays, etc.
    2. The goal should be to retain the pros that [IA] give us. This room modification really does at least directly and indirectly tackles issues no one really wants to directly try to solve on their own to avoid any possible cons that can come with mods like these.


    - If you are playing a room with the [LEAD] mod, this just makes you able to continue using your fighting style after failing to hit shots frequently in these types of modded rooms.

    - Aids any other weapon combo that can frequently run out of ammo in under 2 minutes in the hands of a decent aimer

    - Players can spam away more freely because there is a reduction in back lash when a user misses shots be it with sprays or shotguns or anything else.

    - Same cons as all the rest of game types.

    Secondly, R, No Reloading:


    - Not having to worry about reloading, aids in players getting into the 'zone' much easier

    - Get's players shooting more, trying to aim more, gun down opponents more, basically, this aids spammers

    - IMMENSIVELY AND TREMENDOUSLY ESPECIALLY- in a game that does not have an auto matching feature, reduces the feeling of back lash when you miss a few shots against an opponent that slightly or greatly has better aim that you. This modification gives you a second chance, a third chance, a fourth chance, and so on. A fair and closer to evenly matched fight, is a fun fight.

    - Allows players to continue to chase their opponents after they have gotten them low. This results in the chaser feeling like they are just constantly playing whether it be chasing or just fighting head on. Instead of being forced to use melee, people can continue to spam and shoot from a distance, without having to worry and think about how and when to shoot so they do not end up running out of ammo. Etc. Back then, in other servers and official servers, you were forced to play certain ways. Save ammo, don't spam from far with shotguns when chasing, wait till you get closer, use your sword a bit more, etc. Although this looked fun and looks like it results in more diverse gameplay, it is only because it is mainly the only way to go (ONLY) because players consistently choose to only use two shotguns, which has limitations.

    - Although, there are pros with this room modification resulting in more freedom with playing ONE play style, many other weapon combinations are affected, I could not think up all the is being affected by this, there are so many things. The main thing is that, if something is being affected that was not intended, like a sniper rifle, then there is an imbalance in sniper rifles, because if the sniper rifle was balanced out perfectly already, at that moment a change was not thought up to be needed, so why would an outside force be wanted to mess with things?
    - Many other weapons such as avenger type shotguns (very very strong in damage, low in delay and ammunition/clips) cannot be introduced to FGunZ.
    - Just as many weapons cannot be this GunZ server, many other play styles along with them cannot be.

    Note: What we would want, would be to not force players into playing a certain way (even though they are not forced, they are because the majority of players will again and again, stick with equipping and using two shotguns, which have many limitations). The admins of this GunZ server would have to start thinking of ways to have more freedom in playing with many different types of meta gear; multiple different versions of shotguns, swords, daggers, and meds. The goal is to allow different play styles to be viable in FGunZ in multiple types of situations one could find themselves in while playing.


    - Helps leveling
    - Shares most of the pros in all of the above

    - Shares all of the cons in all of the above


    - Meta is what is easily adaptable and is what becomes popular in a game that does not have a distinguished aim for it's players. If there are many different types of play styles players use, how come they all look the same in duel with this room tag? I may just be too biased to fill in this section. Seeing the only one way of play being the only viable option- standing still, or walking side to side and spamming at speeds I am not used to seeing, in anti lead!?! Melee, gone. And if you are being spammed at in the start round of hall, you'd have to do it back to them if their aim is like yours and especially if it is greater.

    - Many other players do not want to come to this server because of this room tag combined with the delays of shotguns.

    - Competitiveness is dropped down

    - There is a disconnect between Duel Tournament and Duels. Duel tournament is supposed to reflect traditional 1v1s, and so is the game over all. To attract as many players into Duel Tournament as possible, or just, as many duelists as possible, may it be duelers that duel with ONLY tags, if duel tournament doesn't have tags, they are most likely not going to join. What is the aim of your game FGunZ ppls?

    Delays on Shotguns:


    1. How it aids users:
    - players that enjoy shooting, using shotguns, that have that love for spamming their favourite shooting moves such as Late Dash techniques, blinksteps, super low to the ground fast slash shots, etc. This aids their play style and allows them to have more freedom on how they like to play.

    - aids in solving the con against the meta weapon combo sg/sg, where these players' style of fighting is forced to change when chasing players, with no space for explosive items over meds, after owning someone head on, and to have a hard time finishing them off is a pain, but the meta is sg/sg and this is the weakness of it which can be annoying. Being able to spam so quickly really does blast down runners, especially when they do not have high stats.

    - Denies other weapon combos from being viable meta candidates.

    - Greatly hinders moving in, rushing, denies some 1v2 plays,

    - In general, many other play styles are being denied. Less freedom.

    - Melee is basically wut.

    - Regardless of players using these and getting used to them, many people slowly ease into popularity. When there is no distinguished aim for a game, emergent and content that is easily adaptable will become popular, and what is popular in these types of games, is meta. 1. You have nothing to do today, but you go turn on the TV and just watch something or just stay on GunZ and roam around and do nothing, and this slowly n slowly persists and you feel like its all meh. Then suddenly, you have no internet, or you cannot play GunZ or your favourite game or watch TV and you see some old mini games on your computer or some old, old gen consoles and games. You try them out and play them and have an awesome time. But if there was not an outside force taking away your obsession, you would not have that fun that was probably more enjoyable than just trying to find something to do in an online game. The same type of plays, the same opponents, the same shit, it will grow on you. More diversity is a nice touch.

    - If a player likes PBing and moving in or playing mid range or just is a slow aimer, they will be forced to play a faster pace speed, spam as fast as they can, and so on, because of everyone just using the best guns that only revolve around one play of style: shoot as fast- I mean, Reload shot as fast and as often as possible, to get in the most damage against your opponents.

    - Melee is denied, I know, I said this already. Woosh, what a big limitation in freedom and possible play styles

    If you know any other pros and cons for other game modes, please post a reply and if valid, I will add them here.

    Example, TOWN: The ammo spawns in the middle near clock and in alley. If the one near clock randomly spawned on either a close wall, for wall runners to get, in mid air between the clock and a wall for aerialists, or also on the ground or maybe even where the barels are near the clock, if someone was hiding there and randomly got ammo and they had none and was trying to clutch, they would be like : LOOOL YESSS.

    If the ammo spawn was more unique and encouraged teamwork, encouraged players to want to stick and guard key points on maps by: making itnso if one team mate gets the ammo, all team mates near by get some ammo as well. Etc., all this would lead to a much more interesting fight and future clutch plays we can all enjoy. Without affecting and limiting diversity and other weapons, play styles, etc.

    The Resolutions/Solutions by removing the cons and retaining the pros of all room modifications:

    I know people like this fast spam style, as it makes chasing runners and finishing them off easier since runners have too high of an advantage in this game, gunz. Or just never have to think about reloading since they aren't a sword melee type player. The goal would be to aid ALL, styles of play, ALL interests. So sure R tag does this, it also makes sniping, spraying, easy, the goal would be to have learning skill be more rewarding rather than make the game easier as well. That's another story. We can opt to remove the room tags, R, IA, and just focus on delivering the pros they provide, without the cons they come with:

    The Pros of infinite ammunition:



    Removes the stress of eventually worrying about running out of ammo, results in feeling more 'in the zone' when playing
    Ultimate Resolve: To retain this positive, I suggest increasing the amount of ammo spawns depending on how large a map is or even adding ammunition spawns on maps that do not even have any.


    Almost no pros at all here, hence, people rarely care to make/join a TDM room with only this room tag. Does not matter here unless the TDM is a larger one like 5v5+.
    Ultimate Resolve: The larger the room is for TDMs, increase the amount of ammo spawns that can appear instead of leaving them the way it is.

    Note: too many ammo spawns will make the last players alive take forever to finish because they will constantly be running to get ammo instead of fighting.


    The punishment back lash for missing a shot against an opponent that has better aim than you is slightly taken away, which results in a more evened out fight regardless of this game not having an auto match system. The easier certain things are, the more fun people will have because a fair and closer to evenly matched fight, is a fun fight. And in a game without auto matching, anything that results in this, will have this positive outcome, but almost always come with a negative side effect by off balancing and conflicting with other weapons/play styles, etc.
    Ultimate Resolve: Obviously the best solution would be to make some auto matching feature... So players can always have fair fun evenly matched fights or fights against opponents just above their skill level, not too way over. I have easy, not heavily focused on coding, solutions, if you admins are willing to hear.


    Closing the gap between a chaser and a runner, running to heal/reload or regroup. Chasers always had a tougher time and even though they might have been more skilled, dieing from a simple camp/surprise PB carried back lash to these players. Knowing you were owning them in a head on fight to only find yourself dead against a runner, results in feeling scammed. Not worrying about running out of ammo, you can be on the chase more. With a game where shotguns are the focus and the meta does not allow space for explosives in these players' inventory, chasing will be a bitch and imbalance certain skills and assets easily such as, reload shot, slash shot, insta. Cuz you can't focus mainly on what you're play style is when chasing with the meta; shotguns and the sort. IA hardly solves this, it ain't no [R], but it aids to this dilemma.
    Ultimate Resolve: For players these days, chasing isn't an issue, because most people do not finish off or realize which player they got low. The meta has no space for nades in the equipped slots. I believe a 3rd item slot would be the solution, however, this third item slot I would suggest it being a mini item slot, so it could hold new types of items called "mini items". It would look something like this: You equip HP Pills and AP Vials, and then in your mini slot, you equip mini set of nades, which gives you two nades. This way, finally people could be free with how they want to play even when chasing or trying to tackle campers. Also, this could go vice versa, a player could equip two bundles of nades in the regular item slots, then in the mini item slot, a mini set of hp meds. This ONLY allows more freedom with how people want to play GunZ.
    Also, having ammo not just spawn in the same exact place every time. Could have ammo spawn not just in the alley and near clock in Town for example in TDMs, but on the stairs that lead to the bunker and could spawn where the AP spawns when Town is a training map. This will help K-Stylers play how they want to play even against campers, runners. As a player could pick up ammo chasing a player moving towards bunker.



    Heavily assists players trying to level here or trying to just up a number- K/D.
    Ultimate Resolve: Again, the more players in a room, the more ammo spawns should appear. Instead of just always 2, which is mainly for 2v2 - 4v4 TDMs, and very small DMs. Ammo spawns should also be random, maybe 1 - 3 different spots.


    Aids players that live longer in DMs by eliminating the instance where a player runs out of ammunition, which aids players to stick to a play style they love- using their gun more than their sword.
    Ultimate Resolve: Again, same as above, but also with the introduction to mini item slots, players could equip mini ammo packs in this slot. Remember, even though this sounds totally new, which it is, it only allows for players to have more freedom with how they want to play, goals achieved. However, when it comes to death match, one perfect resolution would be to introduce re-stock item spawns, which can give you back your items. This should have been done a long time ago. And it should follow the rules where, more players, more spawns, less players, less spawns.



    If you are playing a room with the [LEAD] mod, this just makes you able to continue using your fighting style after failing to hit shots frequently in these types of modded rooms.
    Ultimate Resolve: Maps for duel rooms don't even have ammo spawns, so... In official traditional 1v1s, we play in Town, and town has an ammo spawn. Duel Maps should be edited up to form a perfect *******. Matching maps in the following: traditional official 1v1s, in Duel Tournament, and in Duel game mode itself. This results in a flow of player activity amongst them, a constant circular pattern. So these maps should all have 1 ammo spawn.


    Aids any other weapon combo that can frequently run out of ammo in under 2 minutes in the hands of a decent aimer
    Ultimate Resolve: Oh, yea this would be solved if the above is inputted. More specifically:
    Town: Remove the bunker, ally, etc, and retain the bases, and everything between them, towards the clock

    Garden: Outside only

    Factory: ?

    Port: either the part where the water stream is, or the middle where blue and red team clash in the start

    Battle Arena: Up top only removing the side stairs surrounding everything and the cages.

    Castle: The bridge areas ONLY, the middle bridge, and the side wall ( its not a side bridge, its the castle wall). Aerial players should love this one. =p.

    Dungeon: Basically where the pillars are, but this would be that catalyst map, but catalyst is too dark, and people only play that for gigs.

    Island: From base 1 to base 2, the ship to the other base. No tunnel stuff, no fighting in the middle of the map (where all the pits are).

    Aerial duel maps: where is there non, try to appeal to all player's interest, they are playing your game and some have even donated. Get players
    actively playing = more likely for them to donate for something that relates to why they are more actively playing.

    Prison: I have no clue how this can work, because there is a duel version, called jail, and even shower room, shower room is cool at times. Jail on the other hand, the jail metal bars often get right on your screen and make it hard to see is all. maybe widening the map- would be perfect (whos up for that, haha).


    Secondly, R, No Reloading:


    - Not having to worry about reloading, aids in players getting into the 'zone' much easier

    - Get's players shooting more, trying to aim more, gun down opponents more, basically, this aids spammers

    - IMMENSIVELY AND TREMENDOUSLY ESPECIALLY- in a game that does not have an auto matching feature, reduces the feeling of back lash when you miss a few shots against an opponent that slightly or greatly has better aim that you. This modification gives you a second chance, a third chance, a fourth chance, and so on. A fair and closer to evenly matched fight, is a fun fight.

    - Allows players to continue to chase their opponents after they have gotten them low. This results in the chaser feeling like they are just constantly playing whether it be chasing or just fighting head on. Instead of being forced to use melee, people can continue to spam and shoot from a distance, without having to worry and think about how and when to shoot so they do not end up running out of ammo. Etc. Back then, in other servers and official servers, you were forced to play certain ways. Save ammo, don't spam from far with shotguns when chasing, wait till you get closer, use your sword a bit more, etc. Although this looked fun and looks like it results in more diverse gameplay, it is only because it is mainly the only way to go (ONLY) because players consistently choose to only use two shotguns, which has limitations.
    Ultimate Resolve: I suggest having these types of shotguns in replace.

    1. 900 delay, scrapping the 950 delay stuff, 6 damage, 6 shots before needing to reload.
    Donor version: 800, 6 damage, 7 shots before needed to reload, more controllability

    2. 1000 delay, 8 damage, 5 shots before reload
    donor version: 1000 delay, 9 damage, 5 shots before reload

    3. 1200 delay, avengers, 11 damage, 3 shots before reloading.
    donor version: 1200 delay, 12 damage, 3 shots before reload

    I believe this mega tri force of shotguns is the key to freedom in play, without room tags. We could see the people that play with these room tags, now maybe even looking at clanwars for a change. I heard someone mention clans aren't clan warring. There is a disconnect with the target of ranked games with the non ranked version of them, and once the connection is made again, then the target audience of the non ranked version may slowly flow into clanwars, using more of your servers own player base to support clan wars instead of constantly having players only thinking about getting players from other servers to add to the competitiveness. The goal is to have as much freedom in the meta as possible. Instead of forcing in other weapon combos, use what is mainly used first and make it more flexible. It's all about freedom and I know this is different, but results aid the purpose and the purpose aids the goal of the content in this thread and for this server. This mega tri force of shotguns, which has never been done before, all retain the pros of the room tags without the cons combined with the other ultimate resolves above. Just as you, FGunZ staff, have been trying to aid the meta, the shotgun users in the past, this is an improved way to add freedom to these players and other play styles and you won't have cons like (don't add guns like avenger because of the room tags). Players could even experiment with this freedom by using one fast shotgun and one avenger type shotgun, there are many many possibilities, its amazing actually if you think about the possible cool new gameplay that awaits FGunZ. The diversity tho.

    As for the rest of the game modes, please suggest things about them here. Man, even for me, typing this much was a ****ing pain, I don't think I will ever do this again. Honestly I was even getting pissed at times, but meh, it's for the best... I forgot how it was, but some elite member gave me the motivation to just do it lol.

    Well, there is your resolve everyone.

  2. The following 10 users say thank you to DDaggerDD for this useful post:

    Again (05-16-2014), Crest (05-16-2014), Jawarisin (05-16-2014), jochem15 (05-15-2014), Jonathan pls (05-26-2014), Kira (05-15-2014), KoVuMASA (05-16-2014), Lee (05-16-2014), Ommadawn (05-15-2014), SuperShotty (05-16-2014)

  3. #2
    Cobra's Avatar :>

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Originally Posted by Shmofer View Post
    u took hours writing this shit? '-'
    Stop going off-topic, appreciate the fact that he's trying to do something for good.
    For Freestyle GunZ upcoming updates and ideas, support and news/information visit:
    Linear88 Blog (Click!)

    Signature by George.

  4. The following 4 users say thank you to Cobra for this useful post:

    -AznNinja (05-16-2014), DDaggerDD (05-16-2014), KoVuMASA (05-16-2014), Sonji (06-02-2014)

  5. #3
    Sterfy's Avatar Junior Member

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Your ideas are great, but I think you're trying to change fgunz too much. Others are perfectly satisfied with how it is right now. Obviously you can't make everyone happy but that's life.

    Just a general question, why don't you start up a server yourself and see where it gets you?

  6. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Originally Posted by Sterfy View Post
    Your ideas are great, but I think you're trying to change fgunz too much. Others are perfectly satisfied with how it is right now. Obviously you can't make everyone happy but that's life.

    Just a general question, why don't you start up a server yourself and see where it gets you?
    actually, I am not trying to simply "change" change for what? Just mentioning the word change at all is an imcomplete sentence/thought on your part, so I can't really reply legitly. There are people that are not perfectly satisfied. Honestly some of the things I brought up I don't care about but others do, however, this is not to just fix issues, all the inputted suggestions are inputs that produce outcomes, which then aid to the purpose and the purpose supports the goal.

    edit: not only focusing on making people happy, but rather focusing on resolving known conflicts within fgunz.
    Last edited by DDaggerDD; 05-17-2014 at 09:57 AM.

  7. #5
    Crest's Avatar 하나님

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    Feb 2014
    I would appreciate if you didn't write so much but from what I've read I see where you are coming from. Personally, I strongly agree with the sg delay perspective. It makes GunZ less enjoyable. A word of advice is to try and summarize what you have to say in a few sentences. Not everyone is going to take the time and fully read everything that you've written. But at the same time, fantastic job on expressing your ideas. Hopefully they are heard.
    S/o to the Kings...!

  8. The following user said thank you to Crest for this useful post:

    DDaggerDD (05-16-2014)

  9. #6
    StephanM's Avatar 🌹

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    People are still able to play with the style they like, whether the room has R and IA in it.
    There is a great group of players that still dominates DMs and TDMs, even if they would have a disadvantage.
    GunZ was fine without tags and it is fine with tags, even if some people do not like it, I am sure the bigger group are in favour of the tags we currently have.

    I wish I could support you on this but for me the game seems to be fine what it is now.
    If you really are to die to play without tags then make a room without tags or go and CW, CW is still like pure from the start, that will never get tags like IA and R.

  10. The following 3 users say thank you to StephanM for this useful post:

    Lilith (05-17-2014), Opeth (05-16-2014), SuperShotty (05-16-2014)

  11. #7
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

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    Oct 2012
    I don't know why, but I had an urge to read everything you wrote down here.
    Anyway, I really loved your idea about the ammo spawns. It's creative at all, but honestly, I doubt it will happen.

    I, like a lot of players, prefer the old Freestyle GunZ; without roomtags. Unfortunately,there are not enough people to make a revolution and return the game as it was before. Most of the FGunZ community prefer to have roomtags than not having them at all.

    The bottom line - Clanwars are dead because of the roomtags. Most of the people think for themselves: "Why should we clanwar when we can go to TDM and spam bullets as much as we want?" As I said, a lot of people dislike the idea of the [IA] and [R] roomtags, but we both know that nothing will change.

    In conclusion, FGunZ is fine as it now in my opinion(even though I prefer oldschool). I honestly hope the staff team will find the right solution for all this.

  12. #8
    Kira's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

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    Jun 2011
    i just notice
    u copy paste and add color and few words '-'.

    yes dave please refund my genesis duelisto, red sg are same strength almost same delay and same ammo 999/999 !

  13. The following user said thank you to Kira for this useful post:

    Swish (05-27-2014)

  14. #9

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Note: I re-did my whole reply to you and Stephan, the first one was on my phone... This is the re-done one.

    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    I don't know why, but I had an urge to read everything you wrote down here.
    Anyway, I really loved your idea about the ammo spawns. It's creative at all, but honestly, I doubt it will happen.

    I, like a lot of players, prefer the old Freestyle GunZ; without roomtags. Unfortunately,there are not enough people to make a revolution and return the game as it was before. Most of the FGunZ community prefer to have roomtags than not having them at all.
    My thread isn't about reverting to the how old gunz was played. If you double check, or change the way you view this thread, this thread is not for the players that want room tags to be removed, nor is it just for the players that want to keep them. It is for both. And thanks for reading everything man, respects.
    Edit: I see where you say most people do not want them removed, but I formulated my solutions to work for everyone, and not just remove things.

    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    The bottom line - Clanwars are dead because of the roomtags. Most of the people think for themselves: "Why should we clanwar when we can go to TDM and spam bullets as much as we want?" As I said, a lot of people dislike the idea of the [IA] and [R] roomtags, but we both know that nothing will change.
    You point out that people are like, I can go TDM and spam bullets- that's how certain people like to play. I am not saying that room tags change the way people play, but that these players that play them, like shooting with the meta weapon combo shotgun/shotgun. The room tags aid this weapon combo and allow it to be more flexible. People will continue to only use these meta weapons and not actually anything else, they will stick to it because its what they like so, for example, even if it has a disadvantage against campers compared to rocket/shotgun, they will still use it because it is their style and they will stick with that disadvantage. There's not many supportive moves/tactics that help kstylers get through a camp in clanwar in the map prison. But the room tags support this loved meta playstyle and help they continue to play how they want, it does come with cons however, which my resolve is trying to eliminate.

    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    In conclusion, FGunZ is fine as it now in my opinion(even though I prefer oldschool). I honestly hope the staff team will find the right solution for all this.
    My thread is the solution, FGunZ isn't fine as it is now in you're opinion, you even brought up the conflict that room tags has with clanwar itself, and the room tags aid certain ways people want to play, but it also messes up other ways that you like to play, as you have said. It is not fine. My solutions resolve it all. But they could use anyone's help.

    Originally Posted by StephanM View Post
    People are still able to play with the style they like, whether the room has R and IA in it.
    Not entirely true. Room tags aid the way people want, as I have said to Ommadawn, people will stick with the meta weapon combo, sg/sg, but this combo has its limits and there are moments that it is very least flexible, like against campers, runners, potshotters. Hence people complain about this trio the most, because there is less flexibility with how they play against them, and the room tags aid the meta style to be more flexible against these.
    Originally Posted by StephanM View Post
    There is a great group of players that still dominates DMs and TDMs, even if they would have a disadvantage.
    GunZ was fine without tags and it is fine with tags, even if some people do not like it, I am sure the bigger group are in favour of the tags we currently have.
    its not about simply removing tags because some people do not like them, or keeping them because a larger group of people like them. It is about finding the perfect resolve to keep everyone happy. It is about keeping the pros of room tags, and removing the cons. It's all about making this server better. FGunZ is has conflicting options, I aim to improve, not to come up with ideas that only aid the people that are complaining about them.
    Originally Posted by StephanM View Post
    I wish I could support you on this but for me the game seems to be fine what it is now.
    If you really are to die to play without tags then make a room without tags or go and CW, CW is still like pure from the start, that will never get tags like IA and R.
    Regarding Clan Wars:
    This is not how clanwars are played. Clanwars do not have any room modifications. Ultimately, when there is a ranking version of a non ranked game mode in any online multiplayer game, the non ranked one would have to reflect and match the ranked version so that over time, you would want all players playing TDMs in FGunZ' case, to eventually try to play clan wars and this exposure would lead to more players in the clan war community. For clan wars to have more success and truly not be a separated from the over all gameplay this server provides, room mods would have to be added to clan wars. But no, that still would not do it. FGunZ would either have to have the possibilities of play styles in modded rooms to be in every room, every room. If every room was already modded to have room tags such as R and IA, and people actually played them often, then clan war can successfully reflect what this game really is, therefore, having full reach on all players playing the non ranked version of clanwars, which is TDMs. Since FGunZ' TDMs do not reflect the aim of where their game is now, this leaves a conflict. What is FGunZ? Clan war in FGunZ CAN NEVER hope to appeal to more players. What is FGunZ?
    Edit: So after seeing the pros of room tags, I actually would not fully just want to make a room without them. They have some nice pros, but with cons, so eliminate the cons, I have said the perfect resolution for this.
    Last edited by DDaggerDD; 05-17-2014 at 10:24 AM.

  15. #10
    StephanM's Avatar 🌹

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    May 2009
    So.. let's say for 1.. if we would make all shotguns to 1k delay, would that really make that much difference (If I am correct you talked about 1k delay in another thread)?
    For me.. I would not really mind having the shotguns up to 1k delay, I would't really notice the difference and if I can still rs/potshot with it I am fine with that, but that is just me.

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