Originally Posted by Bram View Post
How about you put your nostalgia-horny hormones to the side and thinks about it for a second.

Runescape 3
Community: Mostly nice
Graphics: Good
Content: Decent
Economy: Bad
Microtransactions: Yes, but they only influence players who are playing for ranks
Quests: Good, with decent storylines
Afk: Yes
Difficulty: Hard to understand in the beginning, once you play it for a while it will become a bit easier.

Community: 100% pure cancer
Graphics: Shit (which is understandable from a game made in 2007)
Content: Some creative updates, most of them are RS3 rip-offs
Economy: Average
Microtransactions: No
Quests: Decent
Afk: Yes
Difficulty: Tbh it's very easy all the way through lel

Both games have their pro's and cons, so why don't you stop hating on RS3 and let people enjoy things...
how much u played osrs?
1 hour?