Originally Posted by mythic View Post
hello everyone, long time no see, as some of you may know me already, but for the others that don't well i am mythic a former gunz player, my computer had a power surge in july which is the reason i quitted gaming atm. It is fixed now but no internet, the computer i am currently on is my mothers and her wishes are not to download anything. Must respect your mothers wishes. My real name is mark and i am 19 years old. I've been playing gunz in general late 2004 (december) so i pretty much say 2005. My ijji account is mythic, i also make gunz videos for those that havn't seen em you can always check out www.youtube.com/mythicpwn. My fgunz account is ^8mythic (will need to get it remade with my 80 dollars worth of donors, basically had every donor item) also i am going to state that i am not mythiq. Mythiq use to be aka mythicpwn on fgunz (which is the same as my youtube name) he made it with my permission. Just stating that out since alot of people seem to get it mixed up lol. Anyways well just saying hello and going to have some fun :d have a merry christmas everyone .
nobody cares