ign : ^9Dani^M
Reason : unfair resolution.

First of all Dani hosted RVO event and i played clearly so i won the 4th round of the event then Dani said me and Ghoul were teaming , and i wasn't teaming with anyone i played alone. You can watch that in the record
https://www.sendspace.com/file/wt0xx2 ,when the round over i told to Dani to watch the replay and after he watched the record he said u (Dam,Ghoul) were aiming noob and Halo , We didn't decied to aim anyone and we even didn't talk before the event and there is nothing between us to team with each other.
Then Dani said me and ghoul were next to each other and u both decided not to kill each other.
You can see in the replay when this happened i decided to fight the low player to make sure that i will stay alive after.
NOTICE : i didn't know that Halo is NKAGod i knew that from Dani. You can see that in this ss https://imgur.com/ZQaQmxS.
When Ghoul killed Halo he saw noob in his way so he attacked him and i attacked the low player.
after i watched the record 4 times knew all this things.
i didn't know this things before , i knew this things after i watched the record.
when i won the round he said that we were teaming then he changed his opinion and said we were hunting Halo and noob.