Originally Posted by EternalBeast View Post
What's going on here?


NKAGod's limitbreakers were doing 0 damage on everyone. His ping was fine and we could damage him normally, but he couldn't hit us. In the second clip, he could only damage me with a sword but not his shotguns.
I'm playing with NKAGod ingame right now (same training room), sometimes his shots are coming in very delayed (or fail), already told him what I'm gonna tell you too; I think he is experiencing a very high amount of packet loss and his upload fails to send the packets so it keeps retrying until the packets finally reach you (or time out), while his download is fine (-> instantly receiving damage). It doesn't have to affect ping.

Asked him to restart his PC and router, see if that fixes it.

Edit: He restarted his computer, which fixed it. Seems like something was screwing it up there for him. We'll have to keep an eye on it.