Sic gave his Okey so im making some BGM's
The first one contains some Game Music.
(Nah no one winged angel shit :>)

Game Remixes/Music BGM
- Knights in the Nightmare - Clash with the Black Knight Ganzer (Intro 02:23)
- Castlevania Symphony of the Night (yet couldnt figure the artist and real track name ...) (Lobby 030)
- Nekofrog - Banjo-Kazooie Malevolent Mansion (Mad Monster Mansion Theme Remix) (Title1 047)
- SixtoSounds - Double Dragon Remix The Secret of Sosetsuken (duno*, beats me but its awesome :>) (Title2 04:04)
- Willrock - Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Mountain of Dreams (Windfish Area Theme Remix) (Title3 045)
- Protricity - Mega Man X Brainsick Metal (Remix of the Intro Stage Theme) (Title4 06:25)
- Zircon - Super Mario World Monstrous Turtles (Castle Theme Remix) (Title5 036)
- Joren de Bruin - Live A Live Giant Robot Bonanza (duno*, beats me but its awesome :>) (Title6 02:20)
(Most of you probaply dont even know Live a Live xD)
- Tales of Symphonia - F4talize (Remix of F4talize, stupid blacklist of the forums, censors f atal ) (Title7 05:11)
- Tales of Symphonia - Fighting of the Spirit (Remix of Fighting of the Spirits) (Title8 05:09)
- OA - Lufia II Last Chance (duno*, beats me but its awesome :>) (Title9 035)
- SixtoSounds - Castlevania II The Accursed Seal (Title10 04:11)
- The Fall: Last Days of Gaia Theme (Darkseed - The Fall) (End 034)


* - I dont know the Correct Artist and/or Track Name.
Might be a bit messed up in terms of everything together as a whole.
(But if you want to hear something (maybe) new you could try this one ;> )