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  1. #1
    #1Chef's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    #1 Could you explain to us who Salem is in 20 words?
    A: A laid back spiritual guy, with a very dark sense of humour, and a dream of becoming a tattoo artist.

    #2 Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
    A: Not quite sure, maybe under a bridge or somethin'

    #3 If you could swap bodies with someone for a day, who would it be?
    A: Shang, just so I can experience the pleasure of laying down after 5 minutes of movement and heavy breathing.

    #4 Who is the person you trust most from the Freestylers Community?
    A: Dave, because I'm pretty sure he has my bank details but Im not missing money "yet".

    #5 In 10 words, how would you describe the Freestylers community?
    A: A unique community that you probably wont find anywhere else, a mix of very serious and very relaxed people.

    #6 If you could add one person to the staff team who would it be and why? Also which rank would you want them to have?
    A: Probably Eternalbeast for GM, since he is capable of holding a positive mindset and attituide as well as he can logic everything out. I think he would be just great.

    #7 What is the one thing you would change or add to V8?
    A: I would probably add more fun & quirky maps. As well as add exclusive outfits & avatars, that sparklers or have different trail when you move around.

    #8 What’s one thing you couldn't live without?

    #9 If you won a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would spend it on?
    A: Definitely towards some kind of charity that only has to do with nature, because saving nature/earth is the best way to go. #myopinionsmh

    #10 If you had to choose between losing the ability to hear or your sight, what would you choose and why?
    A: Definitely hearing. I couldn't imagine not being able to see.

    #11 If you could be your age in a different time, what time would you pick, and why?
    A: 1990s because life would be so much better, good music, no snowflakes, easier relationships, better human interactions etc etc.

    #12 What attracts you the most? Brunette, blonde, black or ginger hair and why?
    A: BLONDE 100% not quite sure why exactly but there is something about it.

    #13 What is one thing you’re glad you tried but would never do again?
    A: My ex. :K

    #14 What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of or wouldn't think you would be interested in?
    A: Witchcraft, Wicca, meditation, astral projection, lucid dreaming, art.

    #15 Who or where would you haunt if you were a ghost?
    A: If I were a ghost I would most likely hunt every church and scare the living shit out of all the people who are just trying to worship their god. Just so they can start praying. Honestly idk. KEK

    #16 What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way?
    A: Relationships. socialising.

    #17 If you had to move to another country, which country would you pick and why?
    A: Austria, because of the breath taking wonders of Austria.

    #18 Currently, what is your favourite song?

    #19 If there's one skill you wish you had what would it be and why?
    A: Playing guitar like Buckethead. Because I play guitar but god damn I haven't improved at all in a year and that guy is a beast on guitar.

    #20 If you were on a plane that was crashing down and you could save 4 people with you, out of the Freestylers community who would they be and why?
    Eternalbeast - Because who else am I going to roast/bully with other people on discord?
    Bipolarity - The only person that's worse than me in CW, plus the only person who wants to CW with me.
    Skilly - I still yet to beat him in a 1v1.
    Shang - 'cause we still a good GM afterall.

    Next Player Spotlight will be posted on Saturday (May 11th 2019).
    Leave a comment below if you got an interesting/fun/special question or recommend someone for the next Player Spotlight.
    Sorry this week's spotlight is a few days late, was busy on Friday & over the weekend.
    Last edited by #1Chef; 05-04-2019 at 02:46 AM.

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