Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
Same thing has been happening to me as of lately. Adds up to like 4-5 kick attempts a day now for just talking with my friends lol. I'll join a room and be talking to my friend, not attacking or bothering anyone, and then out of no where I'm constantly trying to be kicked out of rooms with no reasoning. I think on top of showing who kicked you, it should make you pick from a short list of reasons for why you're starting the vote (i.e. Eddie wants to kick ___. Reason: Hacking. Do you accept? Y or N?) or (Eddie wants to kick ___. Reason: Harassment. Do you accept? Y or N?). This way if you keep getting kicked for BS reasons and did nothing wrong, you can screenshot the vote and report the player following you and kicking you, backing yourself up if say you had video evidence showing you did nothing wrong.
And what about 99% of the population on FGunZ who doesn't speak English? I think you should use terms like "Grief" "Bad words" etc to make it understandable for most of the people who still play this game.