Originally Posted by Linzor View Post
You mean like with training swords? Only difference is that you're not giving the other person the choice if he wants to deal damage or not by hitting you. It completely divides the stairway community players since everyone has their own techniques. By removing damage you won't have to care of getting hit by someone so you can just continue flipping 24/7 hoping to finally hit someone. Having damage on punishes them for "missing". It brings strategy to the mode which this suggestion complety destroys.

To me, who has been a stairway player ever since I first started playing GunZ back when I was 10 years old (14 years ago), I'd compare this to the scenario we had with the [R] tag. It completely ruined some people's playstyle when we removed it and it made many players quit all together because of the change. Only difference here is that you're changing the original concept to something worse, as with the [R] tag you only reversed it back to its "original" form.
missing what? everyone misses slashes?, the slashing will help to slash then flip. But having to get hit by sword and then run around the map to find meds or even rejoin is kinda shit. knowing u wont need to heal up meaning u can have faster paced fights. also like mex said u can juggle ppl for to have fun time, good idea.
If ppl dont like this then they can stick to normal glad, simple.