Originally Posted by Sam View Post
you can't compare buying a champ to buying a SG with stats lol.. wtf man
we just DONT CARE about all this sh*t going on we are just saying we COULD HAVE JUST BOUGHT THE 200coins DONOR SGS INSTEAD OF WASTING xK Coins ON LB GIVES 50 DELAY MORE omg do you understand now?
Yeah I can exactly compare that because that's exactly how it is, you're crying over a balance. "We just don't care about all this sh*t going on" ye ok well be more ignorant then.

I understand that you only think about the delay and not the damage that still makes the sg worth it, but ok. Again, no one forced you to pay with real money.

It's weird how someone who brags about being good at this game once in every ego thread is somehow upset about balancing.

Originally Posted by Ekital View Post
It’s not good for the game if the best sg is gatekept behind real money and luck.
It's not. You can get them all by simply playing the game.