Originally Posted by S1lent View Post
I think FGunz has tried adjusting the meta before and that was a big no go, unfortunately. That's just the nature of Gunz though, its synonymous with kstyle and using a katana and shotguns. The question is what else can you build around that? Then what means are feasible for spreading awareness outside of the existing community? Advertising attempts have a very limited effect with all the takedowns.
Exactly what S1lent said. I think that's a big issue here. When new weapon / weapon types are added people complain about the change of meta. Same thing happened when snipers were introduced, a bunch of those old gen players complained about the change of meta and it took long until they got used to it. So you have people that want new weapon types but you also have people that don't. We actually tried a lot of cool things though, I think. Such as gems (9 different upgradeable gem types, and you can equip 3 defensive and 2 offensive gems), or upgradeable weapons, dynamic/modern hitboxes and such, but we reverted all that because players didn't like the changes. They wanted the same old nostalgic gunz gameplay instead. I personally think Humans VS Infected is one of the cool modes/things we have right now, if people would just play it more.

The next things that are most likely to come are Blitzkrieg and Battle Royale - these are 2 big projects though. Other things we have planned are King of the Hill, Skillmap Mode, and custom event maps and modes (in combination) that give you something very different, new and fun.